Chapter 7

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Erik lead Christine through a different passageway. One that was very easy to get lost into, if not careful. He stopped an turned to Christine.

"Now do not move an inch. Ill be right back." Erik told her. Christine nodded, then he went into a shadow of blackness. Christine found the entire thing quite creepy. But she felt safe in the glimmer of light she was in. wait a minute.....'This light wasn't on before.'

Then another beam of light glowed right next to her. It looked to be quite friendly and it wasnt that far from weird she was standing....'NO Erik told you to stay here!' She looked at the hypnotic light again. This time, falling completely under its power. 'Well maybe just for a second.'

She walked towards the light until she was completely under it. The light she was under before vanished. Before she had time to react another beam of light glowed. This time showing a mirror. She walked toward its reflection. The previous light gone, like the first. What she saw was a reflection of Erik without a mask. She found it beautiful, and she smiled But then the reflection started pointing to something behind her.

She whirled around just in time to see a rope, tied into if what looked to be a Punjab lasso, and before she could move, it hooked her by the neck. She tried to break free, but to no avail. Then to her utmost horror, she felt the rope rising up. She screamed for a second, then the rope pulled hard up, full force. Christine started to see all black and closed her eyes.

Erik looked around just to make sure all his traps were in order so that they could avoid them. He was walking back when he heard an ear screeching scream. Running towards the sound he found Christine getting caught in one of his traps. Faster than lightning he took out his sword and cut the rope down just in time. He caught Christine in his arms and pulled the rope of her neck. "Christine! Christine can you hear me." He checked to see if her heart was beating.

Thankfully it was. He also made sure she was breathing. She was but barely. He held her close to him. "Christine, please, answer me." He closed his eyes, everything was silent for a moment.

"E-Erik?" Erik opened his eyes and saw Christine's eyes open a little. He smiled and kissed her, he felt her kissing back.

Christine felt only slightly weak and out of breath. But other than that she felt fine. But she also felt scared. Tears came to her eyes and she buried her head in his chest. He stroked her hair and rubbed her back.

"Christine, it's alright. Shh- I'm here now. Why didn't you wait for me?"

"I-I'm-I'm s-s-sorry." Christine sobbed. "The light drew me in and I didn't want to break free."

Erik realized how strong his trap must've been to cause her to become under the hypnotic spell. "It's okay Christine. I'm sorry I should've realized that you would fall under my trap." He held her more tightly, she complied.

Then both got up and continued(with Christine's conviction) to their mission to find the murderer. They ended up in Erik's private box. Christine wondered though..... "How can this school even afford to put in boxed seats like this?"

"Who did you think built this in the first place?" Erik looked at her until she looked back, then giving her a smirk she realized it was his influence.

"I thought you only 'ruled' over this place?" Christine said air quoting 'ruled.' Erik chuckled a bit.

"Why would I 'rule'" he mimicked "this theater if it wasn't set to perfection?"

Christine felt a bit like an idiot. Forgetting he his such a perfectionists when it comes to these things. "Oh"
Erik laughed again. Christine turned her head towards him with an irritated look. "What?"

"It's just, you being you." He replied. Christine didn't know what to say. she felt like such a dummy and unintelligent. She must have had a look of hurt and shame on her face because at the next moment, Erik had his arms around her.

"It's alright, mon ame(excuse my spelling). Your curiosity only adds to your innocents. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes."

"But not you." Christine said. in the years she's known him he never seemed to make any mistakes at all. He was really like a special perfectionist.

"Yes Christine, even me." She looked at him with questioning eyes. "My first mistake was, not being honest with you from the beginning." Christine smiled and was about to lean in for a kiss, when she heard, of what seemed to be an arrow, coming towards them. Erik seemed to notice because he quickly grabbed Christine and pulled her into his embrace and away from her previous spot.

An arrow did go by. It hit the wall. Both of them looked at the arrow. It had a red tail feather and it was flaming. Quickly Christine grabbed her cloak(which she got from Erik) and put out the flames before it spread. She then took out the arrow and looked at it more closely. It seemed to have a note Attached to it.

Erik walked over and looked over her shoulder. Christine took the note of and read it out loud.

Congratulations to the happy couple.....or maybe not. Want to play a game? For your instructions come back to box five at precisely eleven p.m. Or else the arrow won't miss this time. Christine you were fantastic in your performances. Your angel has taught you well. Yes I know everything about your 'Angel'. Or should I say 'The Opera Ghost'? Or as he's most likely known as 'The Phantom of the Opera'? Give him my regards.

And one more thing, if either of you don't accept the challenge, I know you love challenges 'Opera Ghost', one of you watches the other die. Choose wisely.

Your opponent.

P.S. Your move.

Christine was boiling in anger. Slightly crumpling the paper. Her look had a furious side that rarely showed. This was the last straw. Nobody messes with them and her angel, nobody.

"Christine?" Erik said though it was unmistaken of the tone of anger in His voice.

"I'll kill 'em!!!! Nobody messes with us! Nobody!! If its a fight they want its a fight they'll get!!!" Christine yelled.

Erik was surprised by how bold she was being. "Christine calm down. We'll find out who it is."

"Yeah but by that time it might be to late! Ill play his game, but Ill win the war!!" Christine boldly stated.

"How come I've never seen you like this before?" Erik was truly surprised.

"I don't know. But what I do know is. That someone is out to get us." Christine stated. She then looked at the note more closely, she noticed it was with blood. She inhaled sharply.

"Come. let's go back down and think about this." He placed a hand on her shoulder in reassurance. Obliged she agreed and they both went back down to discuss their situation.

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