Chapter Eight

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I'm bored. No school, basically nothing to do around the house . . . guess that means updates!

Two more people join Team Iron Man, and two more people join Team Captain America. Enjoy!


"Hey, May!" Peter Parker called cheerfully as he entered his apartment, DVD player in hand, rucksack over his shoulder, earbuds in.

"Mmm, hey," his aunt May responded. "How was school today?"

"OK. This crazy car parked outside . . . " Peter's eyes widened when he saw who his aunt was speaking with.

"Oh," Tony looked at him. "Mr. Parker."

"Um . . . " Peter hurriedly took out his earbuds. "What . . . what are you doing . . . hey," he waved sheepishly. "Uh, I – I – I'm Peter."

"Tony," he nodded.

"What are you – what are you . . . what are you . . . what are you doing here?"

"It's about time we met," Tony raised an eyebrow. "You've been getting my e-mails, right?"

"Yeah," Peter said slowly before nodding. "Yeah."


"Regarding the . . . ?"

"You didn't tell me about the grant!" May frowned at him.

"About the grant," Peter nodded immediately.

"The September Foundation," Tony prompted.


"Yeah, remember when you applied?"

"Yeah," Peter nodded more convincingly . . . though he had no idea what he meant.

"I approved, so now we're in business!"

"You didn't tell me anything!" May frowned. "What's up with that? You keeping secrets from me now?"

"Why, I just – I just – " Peter fumbled for words. "I just know how much you love surprises, so I thought I would let you know . . . wh . . . anyway, what did I apply for?" he asked Tony.

"That's what I'm here to hash out," Tony smiled.

"OK," he nodded slowly. "Hash . . . hash out. OK."

"It's so hard for me to believe that she's someone's aunt," Tony pointed at May.

"Yeah, well, we come in all shapes and sizes, you know?" she smirked.

"This walnut date loaf is exceptional."

"Let me just stop you there," Peter held up his hands.

"Yeah?" Tony asked.

"Is this grant . . . like, got money involved or whatever? No?"



"It's pretty well funded."

"Wow," he whispered.

"Look who you're talking to," Tony smirked, pointing at Peter. "Can I have five minutes with him?"

"Sure," May nodded.


Peter watched Tony latch the door shut, then spat the walnut loaf into the trash. "As walnut date loaves go . . . that wasn't bad." He paused, looking at the computers in his room. "Whoa. What do we have here? Retro tech, huh? Thrift store? Salvation Army?"

"Uh . . . the garbage, actually," Peter blushed.

"You're a dumpster diver."

"Yeah, I was . . . anyway, look," he scratched the back of his head. "Um . . . I definitely did not apply for your grant."

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