Your sick and he takes care of you

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Harry-  It was 3:00 AM and Harry wakes up quickly after realising you weren't in his arms any more, and he sees you're not in bed. He soon sees the bathroom light on and he climbs out of bed making his way to the closed bathroom door, "Y/N are you in there?" Harry says with a worried voice, but there was no answer and all he could hear was the sound of someone vomiting. The bathroom door opens slightly and in walks Harry, looking down at you with concern in his eyes as you leaned over the toilet while vomiting, he hated seeing you ill like that. He kneels down beside you as he rubs your back holds your hair back so it wasn't in your face, after a few minutes later, you two are leaning your backs against the bath. "Are you alright now?" Harry asks as he looks at you, hoping you were feeling better and you'd go be able to cuddle with him, "I've been better" you say as  you slightly nod still feeling weak and Harry helps you up and helps you get into bed, he then goes down stairs and gets a glass of coke hands it to you, knowing you normally have a glass of fizzy drink whenever you're ill like that. You're soon fast asleep again with his strong arms wrapped tightly around you and he soon falls asleep knowing you're ok.

Liam- You're at home with a the flu and laying in bed bored and not knowing what to do while Liam is at work. You soon hear the front door close and you knew that it was Liam, coming back from work and checking on you. "Babe, are you feeling any better?" Liam asks

"not really" you say as you shake your head slightly while sitting up in bed, Liam soon joins you and you two are cuddled up together on the bed, "do you want anything?" Liam asks

"no, but I was thinking we could watch a few disney movies while we cuddle" you say

"alright love, anything for you" Liam says as he couldn't resist when you said the word disney, he knew you also loved watching disney movies especially on your day off and you always felt better and more relaxed when watching them as you and Liam would be laughing your heads off.

Niall- "Princess, are you alright?" Niall asks in a concerned voice as he woke up hearing you coughing in the middle of the night, you shake your head as you sit up. "I think I'm coming down with something" you say as your throat started itching, not a minute later, Niall was out of bed and downstairs in the kitchen making you a cup of tea, he was soon back up in yours and his bedroom, beside you giving you the cup of that he had made you and he sat back down beside you on the bed while you and him cuddled as you watched a bit of tv.

Zayn- He always hated seeing you ill and today was that day when you woke up with a massive migrane.  "Babe, I really think you need to go to the doctors" Zayn says as he hands you a cold glass of water with nuerofen, you shook your head slightly "it's ok Zayn, I'm fine, really" you say "are you sure you're ok?" Zayn asks as he crawls back into bed beside you and pulls you closer to him, "yeah I'm fine, it's just a migrane, it'll go away soon" you say as Zayn had his strong arms wrapped around you, you soon felt yourself drift off to sleep in his arms as he massaged your tummy.

Louis-  You had been sneezing and coughing all day and Louis had just got back from the shops and he came back with a couple of bags, he had bought all your favorite snacks and he had also bought two boxes of tissues and also cough medicine. You heard footsteps coming up the stairs and you knew it was Louis, ready to give you the medicine which you hated. "Babe I've got some medicine for you" Louis says as he walks into yours and his bedroom, you shake your head like a stubborn child refusing to eat their vegetables. "No Louis, I'm not taking that stuff" you say hiding under the duvet but you knew Louis would somehow get you to take the medicine. "and why not?" Louis asks even though he already knew the answer, "it's horrible, that's why" you say as you sat up in yours and Louis's bed, "Well you know what they always say babe, a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, the medicine go down in the most delightful way" Louis says as he starts singing the song from Mary Poppins which you two soon watch after he gets you to take your medicine.

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