He breaks up with you Part 1

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Harry: You had just got back from your friend's house and Harry was in the living room waiting for your arrival. "Y/N?! is that you?" Harry asks walking out of the living room and over to you, you slam the door shut and make your way over to Harry. "Hi Haz" you greeted, you were about to give Harry a hug but he stepped back, "We need to talk" Harry says with his arms folded, you could tell he was angry about something, "about what?" you ask, you follow him into the living room where you sat down beside him on the couch. "Don't act like you don't know" Harry says with tears rolling down his face, "I don't know anything" you say, you watch as Harry hands you a magazine with a picture of a guy kissing a girl who looks similar to you and you realised what was going on after you read the title. You shook your head, "Harry...this isn't me" you say calmly, but he shakes his head at you in disblief, "Y/N, Don't lie to me" Harry says while trying to hold back tears, you tried to comfort him as he rested his forehead in his hands, "DON'T!" Harry says as he looks at you for a minute, tears started filling your eyes and you hated seeing your boyfriend like this and you wanted to do something, but you couldn't do anything to help, knowing it would only make him worst. "Harry" you say calmly, rubbing his  back.

"Leave" Harry says with tears rolling down his face, you sat there for a moment then you got up and went to pack a suitcase, "bye Harry" you say, leaving yours and Harry's house, while Harry just stayed in the same position crying about the break up.

You quickly dialled Niall and told him everything as you were driving to his house which was just a few blocks away and you spent the night there with Niall comforting you.

Niall: "Y/N, I need to be alone" Niall says as he sat next to you on the couch in yours and Nialls living room. Tears were falling from your eyes when you heard your boyfriend say those words which basically meant, he was breaking up with you. "What?" you managed to say

"I'm going on tour soon and I can't bare to be away from you for eight months without knowing what you're doing and who you're with" Niall says, tears rolling down his red puffy eyes. It was harder for him to break up with you, but he knew it was the right thing for the both of you. "Niall, I'm sure we can work something out" you say but Niall shakes his head, you had college and you couldn't miss it,  no matter how much you wanted to just to have your Prince with you. "We can't...you have college and you can't just not go to college for eight months" Niall says, you leave him sitting on the couch and you make your way up to yours and Niall's bedroom and locked the door behind you crying as you pack a suitcase to bring with you to Y/BF/N flat.

Zayn: "Zayn...is everything ok?" you ask your boyfriend Zayn who was in yours and Zayn's  bedroom sitting at the end of the bed. You had heard him crying from downstairs in the living room. "No, everything is not ok" Zayn snapped as he looked at you with red puffy eyes and you knew something was wrong, "babe, what's wrong?" you ask as tears started falling from your eyes, "we....need to....break up" Zayn says

"why" you managed to say as you wandered what you had done wrong that made him want to break up with you. "It's not you....it's me, I hate it that everytime we go somewhere we're always being mobbed and I can handle it unlike you and I can't bare to see you get hurt because of me" Zayn cries, you try reassuring him, but it doesn't work and he leaves you sitting there while he goes for some freash air. 

Liam: Y/N, we need to talk" Liam says leading you to the kitchen table, you both sat down and he looked at you with a serious face. "Babe, what's wrong?" you ask your boyfriend Liam who was fighting to hold back his tears, "I think....we...need to....break up" Liam says

"but....why?" you ask tears filling your eyes

"I hate it that I can't be there for you when you need me the most because of my busy schedule and you deserve someone so much better who will always be there for you" Liam says, you watch as tears fell from his eyes,

"Liam, you're that guy" you say, trying to change his mind, but he was dead serious and you couldn't do anything. "No, Y/N....I'm not the perfect guy for you" Liam says, his eyes were red and puffy as he got up and made his way to the front door, you couldin't hold back your tears any longer and you burst out crying, you heard the front door slam shut from the kitchen and you knew you and Liam were never getting back together.

Louis: "I've been thinking...we should just be friends" Lous says, you see he was fighting his back tears and you shook your head in disbelief, "why?" you ask as you were also trying to fight back your tears. "I still love you like the way I did when we first me...but this the best for you and me, I feel terrible everytime I have to leave you to go on tour, knowing I won't be able to see your sweet and beautiful face" Louis says, you nod your head, understanding what he was saying but you still couldn't believe that he just broke up with you like that. "Louis, I think you should leave" you say, you knew how painful it was for Louis to see you crying so you tried to hold back your tears a little more. "Y/N, I'm...so" Louis says but you cut him off, telling him again that he should leave. As soon as he left, you ran upstairs to yours and Louis's bedroom and cried most of the night as you thought about all the fun times you and Louis had together.

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