The boys defend you

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Niall- You were with Niall and the rest of the boys while they were on tour in America and on their day off, you all went to Nandos for lunch. "I'll be back soon, princess" Niall says, giving you a kiss on the cheek before he went to order for everyone while you and the rest of the boys sat at a table after telling Niall what you all wanted. Two fans came over to you guys, mainly cause of the boys and asked for autographs and pictures which the boys happily accepted until one of the girls started insulting you but they didn't get very far. "Leave Y/N alone, she hasn't done anything wrong and you just start insulting her" Liam says

"yeah and we were going to sign autographs and take pictures of you two, but we won't now after the horrible things you had said" Zayn says while he and Harry put a protective arm around you, letting the two fans know they meant what they were saying, "don't bother buying our CDs or coming to our shows cause we don't  want fans like you coming to our shows" Harry says

"and if you don't leave now, we will call paul over to sort you two out" Louis says and with that the fans left with shocked faces but they still didn't care and thought the same things about you. Niall came back and Louis informed him of what happened, "thank you so much guys for defending my princess" Niall says as he gives you a kiss on the lips then he hugs the rest of the boys and kept on thanking them the whole day.

Harry- You were spending the day at Whipsnade zoo with Harry and the rest of the boys. You and Harry had gone to the see otters while the others had gone to the reptile house which you and Harry didn't  want to go in cause you both had a fear of snakes. Harry needed the bathroom but hhe didn't wan't to leave you alone. "Don't worry Hazz, I'll be fine" you say, insisting that you'd be fine for five minutes "babe, are you sure. I won't go if you're not" Harry says but you still tell him that you'll be fine and he believes you and makes his way to the closest bathroom. A few fans suddenly recognise you and they quickly run over to you and greeting you, "hi can we get your autograph" one of the fans say and you simply nod, not wanting to be rude while the other two fans start calling you names. "Nobody likes you and you're only dating Harry for his money" two of the fans say to you, but you try to ignore them, knowing it's not true, "why don't you go die in a hole and just leave Harry alone" the same two girls shouted, you were just about to break down into tears when you hear four familiar voices behind you and were relieved they had came just before it could get any worst. "Don't you dare talk to Y/N like that agian" Liam says standing in between you and the three girls, "I don't think Harry would like what you had just said to his girlfriend" Louis says as he wraps a protective arm aroud you, "we're very disappointed in you two and we don't want fans like you coming to our shows after they insult any of our girlfriends" Zayn says as he also stood in between you and the fans "Y/N's a lovely girl and Harry loves her with all his heart and if you think you can insult her then you really need to consider if you're a fan or not" Niall says as the fans look up in shock horror while being told off by their idols and they quickly apologised and left, just as Harry was walking over to you guys. Zayn tells Harry everything. "Babe I'm so sorry, I knew I shouldn't have left you alone\" Harry says and giving you kiss on the lips. "Thanks guys, it's so nice knowing Y/N has four other boys defending her" Harry says and he treats everyone with ice cream.

Liam- It was after a concert and you, Liam and the rest of the boys were all swarmed by a crowd of screaming fans, mostly cause of the boys and Liam was signing a few autographs and taking pictures with some fans. You didn't realise you were few metres ahead from Liam and a fan called you from the crowd, hoping you'd see her, without thinking you made your way over to the fan to see what she wanted, thinking it had something to do with the boys. "Y/N, you fat whore, stop dating Liam for his money, you don't deserve him" the fan shouts to you and you were shocked at what she had just said and you were just about to go find Liam when you felt an arm wrapped protectively around you after pulling you back towards the fan. "We don't think that's right what you had just said to Y/N" Harry says as he makes you face the rude fan, "she gets treated rudely even though she's done nothing wrong" Louis says 

"and who are you to judge when you don't even know Y/N" Niall says

"she's a lovely girl and she makes Liam very happy and if you can't see that, then you're not true fans" Zayn says just as Liam was making his way over to you guys after hearing what Zayn had just said. Paul soon tells the fan to leave or else there'd be trouble and later on Liam thanks the guys for defending you when he wasn't there. "I'm sorry Y/N, I won't ever leave  you again. I promise" Liam says as he gives you a kiss and thanks the guys a couple of times and buys food for them and you.

Louis- You guys were at a shopping centre with the rest of the boys and you decided to go off into your favorite clothes shop with the boys following you closely behind, Louis went to look for something for you to try on. "Omg, you're dating Louis Tomlinson aren't you?" says one fan who appears right behind you, " there anything I can do for you?" you say as politely as you can while thinking she was sweet and friendly, but you were wrong as soon as she started calling you names, Louis was over to you in a flash "don't you ever insult my girlfriend like that again" Louis says and he takes you away from the rude fan while the other boys told her off, "we don't want fans like you coming to our shows" Harry says 

you're not only hurting Y/N's feeling, but you're also hurting all of ours" Liam says 

"and that's not what true directioners do" Niall says

"you better go before we call security" Zayn says, Louis thanks the boys for having your back and treats them and you at dinner.

Zayn- Zayn, you and the rest of the boys were at a club and you were busy dancing while Zayn had gone to the toilet, knowing the boys wouldn't let anything happen to you. You suddenly bump into your ex boyfriend and he starts insulting you, but he didn't get very far with it. "Who do you think you are, talking to Y/N like that" Niall says, putting a protective arm around you

"you're not allowed to talk to any woman like that, especially Y/N" Harry says

"it's just not right, she's a wanderful girl" Louis says

"you should leave before we call security" Liam says, Zayn soon arrives and Harry tells him everything and he treats you and the boys to a round of drinks as a thank you for defending you from you ex and you all laugh at stories you were telling them about what your ex used to do when you were dating him.

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