Chapter Three

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Henry often missed his Underworld home, the place with no colors and souls floating around everywhere

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Henry often missed his Underworld home, the place with no colors and souls floating around everywhere. It was paradise to the Prince of the Underworld.

Henry, son of Hades dreaded the Isle of the Lost, it was still not as colorful but it didn't compare to his kingdom of death and despair.

Henry was a handsome boy with black hair but if you get him mad or make him feel any other kind of emotion his hair will change color.

Usually he'd hang out with Gil, son of Gaston over on the streets near the goblins' stores but today Henry wasn't feeling it. Gil and Henry often showed off their muscles and strength which would have the girls fawning over them.

Henry sat in his father's throne in his cheap rip off lair that barely resembled his original one. His hand was petting his three headed dog- Cerberus, the dog that was loyal to the Underworld crown forever.

Henry's hair was blue indicating that he was fine, and didn't show much emotion at all. He was bored, on the Isle of the Lost people were just so miserable and boring to talk to. Henry wanted adventure and excitement in his life.

Then the doors of the lair swung open revealing Gil. He had a smile that Henry has never seen before, he looked truly excited.

"Gil! My good friend, what brings you here?" Henry asks as Gil just smirked.

"I just found our ticket out of this dump." Gil simply said. This turned Henry's hair into a bright yellow, telling the toned up teen that he was interested.


"So, pirates?" Henry simply said as he walked with Gil.

"Yeah, Uma is looking for a crew! She's planning on getting out of here." Gil informed.

Henry ran a hand through his fire hair, "Wow, I haven't seen Uma since we were--"

"Kids." Gil and Henry said in unison.

"Well she's grown up, and poor Harry Hook is her first mate. He lost to her in a race that they were betting on." Gil chuckled at the thought of their miserable friend.

"Does that mean his sister will be there?" Henry asked hopefully. He always had a crush on Jasmine Hook, plus Gil and a few others did too, also on Dominique Facilier.

"Don't you remember..they're over at Auradon now. They're good." Gil scoffed in disappointment.

"Doesn't mean that I mean, what if they are still carrying on with a plan?"

"You're too hopeful, it ain't gonna happen."

The two boys awkwardly walked beside each other in silence after wards. Henry wanted to believe that an evil pirate princess like Jasmine would still be faithful to her evil ways. That the stories people say are not true. Especially the ones about her and Carlos DeVil.

"Who goes there?!!!!" A voice boomed as they approached a ship.

"Do we really need to say?" Gil asks with a smirk.

"Dumb and Dumber." Uma addressed them as they both scowled at her.

"Watch it, sweetheart." Henry was getting annoyed and his hair was starting to become red.

"Oh I'm so scared." Uma said sarcastically, waving her arms up in fake fright.

"Well what do you need?" Uma asked her two former best friends.

"We hear you're hiring." Gil tells her which made her smile.

"You think you're qualified?"

"I mean don't you think? After all we've been through." Henry had used the 'past friendship' card on Uma knowing that it's her weakness.

"Fine! Come up already before I have to drag you by your ears!" Uma yelled at them then disappeared.

"Still think it's a good idea?" Gil asked Henry as he just laughed.

"No, but nothing ever is."

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