Chapter Nine

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The girls were interrupted by the sound of the television blaring music.

Evie gasped, "Look who's on TV."

"Damn, you look good in that outfit." Dominique complimented Mal as she was shown eating alongside The Sultan, Aladdin and his wife Queen Jasmine.

"Thanks to me." Evie smirked as Jasmine threw a pillow at her.

The TV went on about how excited Mal should be about cotillion since she'll be named Lady of the Court.

Dominique turned when she noticed Mal flipping through her spell book.

"Mal, don't." Dommi warned as she ate a whole bag of chips.

"Read it fast at lightning speed, remember everything I need." Mal read from the book and then shut it.

"I know Mal's secret of fitting in, and Ben wouldn't like it one bit." Evie commented.

"Mal, I thought you were done with magic." Jasmine added.

Dominique looked over at Jasmine as she noticed something, something missing.

"Jas where's your ring?" Dommi asked, inspecting her hand.

"Ummm, I took it off...." She answered nervously.

"But that's YOUR ring, the one your mom gave you and Harry before she vanished."

Dominique knew she had to be careful before bringing up Jasmine's family towards her.

"I just thought, it felt too much like home. It felt too much like Harry." Jas shrugged.

"Do you miss him?"

"I do and then I don''s strange. He's my twin brother after all. I just wish I can go back and apologize for how I left, without saying goodbye." She sighed sadly and rubbed her wrist.

Jasmine always felt guilty for leaving her brothers on the Isle, for not taking them with her. She couldn't help but think about them.

| Isle of the Lost|

Harry stared at the gold ring on his hand.  He remembered how much he cried when his mother placed it on his finger, and how she just left right after.

He always wondered if Jasmine was still wearing hers, if she even cared about him at all. If she did care, why hadn't she come back for him? Why didn't she ask King Ben to bring her brothers to Auradon?

Does she not love him anymore?

Harry sighed sadly as he saw his friends, laughing and drinking and just having a good time.

Genevieve and Henry were dancing mockingly as Haley, Gil, Liam, and Sarina watched with smirks on their faces. They all motioned Harry to join them as he smiled a little.

Harry took one last look and then took the ring off of his hand and into his pocket.

| Auradon |

"Knock knock." A voice was heard from the other side of the door.

Dominique went to answer it and smiled as it was Melissa.

"Hi." She happily greeted as Dommi welcomed her in.

The girls all waved at her and she sat beside Jasmine on her bed.

Good is the New Bad | Carlos De Vil [2]Where stories live. Discover now