Chapter Sixteen

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As they arrived back in Auradon, there was a sudden uncomfortable feeling throughout the group

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As they arrived back in Auradon, there was a sudden uncomfortable feeling throughout the group. The tension with Mal and Ben, and with Carlos being gone, the VKs has seen brighter days.

Evie pulls Mal, Jas, and Dommi away for a girl talk but Jay stops them.

"Guys," The girls turn around suspiciously, "I'm the only guy now, and damn it, we need to start including all of us. You guys go and do your girl thing and Carlos and I are always left in the dust."

Jasmine nods slowly, "He's right, we're best friends, we should be able clue him in." She held her arms softly as she got chills from the mention of Carlos.

Jay hold up his hands in surrender, "I mean I'm not gonna ask about every girl opinion but if it includes what just happened, I think I should be there. We are all family." Dommi smiles and gives her boyfriend a quick side hug.

"Both of you have been through a lot," Dommi motioned toward Jasmine and Mal, who looked down at the floor.

Jasmine shared a look with Jay, "That's something he would say." Jay smiled and nods.

The girls and Jay take a seat on the grass, but no one knew how to start the conversation. All eyes were on Jasmine or Mal, because they were mostly the ones feeling upset. Mal with not knowing where she wants to be, and Jasmine with losing the love of her life.

"Well," Jasmine clears her throat and scratches Dude's ears, "I feel like crap, with my boyfriend being swept away from me because of some stupid siren. I'd say I'm pretty much at my lowest point." She tried to chuckle but it ended up sounding sarcastic. As she recalled the moment, she felt herself going through a sort of vision. Dommi noticed her friend's lack of attention toward the conversation and approached her.

"What's wrong?" She asks, placing a hand on her shoulder in comfort.

Jasmine reaches her hand to touch her neck, leaving everyone confused, "I think I know how to get Carlos back."

Evie jumps up once she hears, "How?"

Dommi looked at Jasmine who seemed hesitant, "I need to go back."

"What?" Mal questions.

The friends all gazed at each other in confusion, what was back in the Isle?

"Evie, you've always said that the Isle was something we should try to forget but I can't. It's where we came from, and whether we like it or not that was our home. I have to face my past." Jasmine stands up and opens her hand up to Jay.

"I need the keys." Without skipping a beat, Jay hands the keys to Jasmine who gave him a grateful smile.

"Wait!" Dommi cries out before Jasmine could leave, "I'm going with you."

"No. You can't. You have to get ready for cotillion, and Jay is here. This is something I need to do alone. But I'll be back in time for the ball." Dommi engulfs her best friend in a huge hug, "Be careful. I love you Jas."

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