Chapter Eleven

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"How to ask your girlfriend to go to a dance with you..." I read aloud as to what I was typing on my laptop. I felt Dude on my side as his pants were very loud to hear.

I raised an eyebrow, "I see you reading over my shoulder," I smirked and then ruffled his fur.

Jasmine and I have been dating for a year now, and I haven't done anything special for her. But this is going to be different, I'm going to ask her to cotillion in the most romantic way and pour out my feelings to her.

Suddenly the door swung open, revealing Mal who was trying to hide from paparazzi. She shut the door behind her and let out a quick breath as I gazed up at her.

She looked up at the tv which went on about her becoming a lady royal as she turned it off. Her breathing became heavy as she gasped and for a moment, just a moment, her eyes turned green, bright green.

"Woah, easy girl." I said soothingly but this made Mal unwind.

"You think this is easy!? You don't have people taking your picture every single time you open your mouth to say Boo!" She kept spitting out words and I could barely comprehend what she was saying.

"Sorry," I mumbled and went back to my computer.

Mal sighs, "Carlos, don't you ever miss screaming at people and making them run away from you?"

I chuckled a bit at the thought, "You're thinking of my mother and I was usually on the other side of that so not really,"

I realized why I had called Mal in the first place and immediately stood up, "Hey, did you bring it?"

She nods and starts to take what I needed out before the door opened, revealing Chad sneaking into our dorm.

"Hi, just came to use your 3-D printer, won't be a sec," He says as I looked at him weirdly.

"How'd you get a key to my room?" I ask him.

"Oh I printed it out last time I was here, you guys were sleeping." Chad replies. Mental note: have Fairy Godmother change the locks.

After making Chad leave the key, and hoping he never came back, I turned back to Mal for the thing I had asked for.

"Mal?" She was in another world.


"My potion."

Mal takes out a red gummy, strange I thought it would be something more cooler.

"I don't get it, you know Jasmine is already your girlfriend right?" Mal raised an eyebrow.

"I can't express how I really feel about her though, I feel like throwing up when I do, at least with this, she'll know how I really feel." I replied shyly. Jasmine meant the world to me, she is the love of my life and she deserved to know how I felt.

As Mal was about to hand me the gummy, Dude jumped from the bed and ate it right from her hand.

"Bad dog!" Mal gasped once she realized what happened.

"Man that thing was nasty!" Words were coming from Dude's mouth. Mal and I shared a look of shock, the dog was talking!!!

"And you? You just gotta man up!" Dude told me, but I was too busy comprehending that he was talking to me.

"And while you're at it, scratch my butt!"

Mal directed toward me, "You heard him, scratch his butt,"

Mal decided that she should leave me with Dude, and I was not alright with that decision. Now that Dude can talk, I'll be hearing his complaints non stop.

Suddenly my door opened and I groaned, "I told you to stay out, Chad!"

But it wasn't Chad, it was two guys who I didn't recognize at first, but staring at them made them seem so familiar. One had fire for hair, and the other looked like something out of a storybook.

"Oh sorry dude, wrong dorm." The guy with fire hair chuckled before closing the door.

For a second those boys looked like Henry Hades, and Liam Tremaine from the Isle but it was impossible, right?

I was in mine and the girls' dorm room finishing this video for the cotillion and I was nearly in tears of how stressful it was. I looked down and began to play with my ring when I noticed the top pop off.

"Oh crap!" I yelled, I couldn't break the ring, it meant so much to me. When I was about to put the ring together I saw something inside, it was a small piece of paper. I gently grabbed it, and opened it up to see what it was.

It was a picture, a picture of my and my family. My brothers were right beside me, and so were my two other sisters. But what really stood out to me what my mother, she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

Her blonde hair was long and gorgeous, her smile was as bright as light, and we had the same hazel eyes. Heck, we resembled each other a lot....I really missed her.

I jumped when the door of our door opened and then slammed shut.

"Mal! What's wrong?" I asked when she sniffled, the girl had been crying.

"Jas, you're the only girl that will listen to me right now," She said in between sniffles.

"Of course, what's bugging you?"

"I want to go back to the Isle where I belong, this place isn't for me, Ben deserves a princess not a villain pretending to be one," Mal ruffled her hair in frustration and packed her things.

I didn't know what to say, should I comfort her or tell her to stay here in Auradon? The truth was, I really wouldn't going back to the Isle myself, I mean my whole family was over there.

"Please don't give me that look," Mal begs, "I know it sounds crazy but—-"

I cut her off, not letting her finish her sentence, "I'm going with you."

"What?" Mal asks, shock in her eyes.

"I said I'm going with you to the Isle."

Wow I forgot how much I missed Jas and the rest of the VKs!

Okay so Jas has decided to go back home to the Isle of the Lost with Mal in order to reunite with her brothers and maybe find out more about her missing mother.

And seems like little Henry and Liam found their way to Auradon in order to start their mission! Get Jane to fall in love with one of them! Who will it be?

The next update will be sooner than this one, I promise! It's already in the works!

Love you guys!

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