Chapter Five

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Haley often dreamed of becoming Queen of Wonderland, but sadly that dream was crushed when her mother, the Queen of Hearts got sent to the Isle of the Lost

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Haley often dreamed of becoming Queen of Wonderland, but sadly that dream was crushed when her mother, the Queen of Hearts got sent to the Isle of the Lost. Haley lost every bit of hope left inside and let it rot, she couldn't dream anymore.

The Queen of Hearts kept her reputation alive and still sent people to death with her signature quote, "OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!" This meant her mom was a big boss on the island along with Haley.

Haley constantly scared people with her deathly glare and her cold eyes. She felt that if you were feared, you would earn more respect.

Usually, she was seen fawning over Gil and Henry, sons of Gaston and Hades over at the slop shop but today was different. She had a change in plans.

With a skip in her step she walked over to Ursula's Fish and Chips shop to start her shift.

Her daughter, Uma was there waiting for her. "About time." Uma said with a fake smile.

"I'm here aren't I?" Haley scoffed and snatched her apron from Uma's hand.

"Hi Sarina." Haley greeted Uma's sister who was sitting on a stool by herself, as usual.

Sarina smiled a little as a greeting than continued to just be lonely.

Uma walked over to Haley who started to serve the customers, well the ones who didn't piss her off.

"So Henry told me something about you...." Uma implied as she stood next to her.

Haley rolled her eyes, "That boy is a straight up liar."

"Apparently you can...use a hole to take you to Wonderland...any time you want." Haley felt herself getting nervous. Of course she didn't use that hole, but her mother did.

"That's not true." Haley cursed silently when her voice came out as a tremble.

"Oh really?"

"Fine! There is a way, but only my mom uses it..I'm not allowed to leave." Haley bit her lip and rushed away from the Sea Witch's daughter.

"Do you know where it is?" Uma asks while Haley shook her head.

"Like I said, only my mom knows about it. It's like her escape and since Wonderland is it's own kingdom it's basically out of normal boundaries." Haley explained and wiped some grease on her apron from her hands.

"I bet you know so many more ways to get out." Uma smiled.

"I mean I guess."

Haley stop talking, Haley scolded herself.

"I'm your captain so you have to tell me where they are." Uma reminded her friend and shook her finger.

"I only joined your crew for Henry, and because I have a huge crush on him. Not so I can spill my mom's secrets." Haley scolded.

"Weren't you so upset that all of your friends left you for Auradon...especially Dominique?"

Uma knew that this was what could break Haley, knowing that all her friends basically ditched her.

"If we escape, we can travel to Auradon and plan our revenge." Uma continued.

The whole thing sounded interesting for Haley, especially the revenge part. Her mother never got revenge on Alice for escaping her wrath, maybe she can continue the legacy.

"I can't tell you where they are, because I don't know. But I can help you get out of here." Haley agreed.

"Very well, I trust that you know where your loyalty lies."

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