Chapter Seventeen

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"Did you go back for her?" Mal's voice trembled

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"Did you go back for her?" Mal's voice trembled.

Uma shakes her head, "He didn't have to, I dove through the barrier before it closed and I'm an excellent swimmer. And Sarina and Carlos decided to join me, I couldn't leave my sister and her true love behind."

Jasmine's eye twitched at the mention of true love, "She's not his true love, I am!" She yelled taking everyone back by surprise.

Sarina gasps, "How can you say that?"

Ben tried to calm Jasmine down, "Jas, you should've seen them on the Isle. The connection and love between them was a strong as mine and Uma's."

Carlos speaks up, "Its true, Sarina and I are soulmates."

"That's because she has you under some sort of—" But Uma and Ben cut her off by preparing to have their first dance and forced Jasmine to move to the side where Jay gave her a hug in sympathy.

Mal looked on heartbroken as Uma and Ben danced together lovingly, their eyes never leaving each other.

"Mal, we're with you." Lonnie tells her, stepping behind as the group looks on, angry. How could Ben do this to Mal?

"Let's get out of here." Jay offered as Mal nods and all of them walk off up the stairs.

Adam stops Mal and Belle stared sadly, "Mal we are so sorry we had no idea."

"I'll talk to him." Adam assures her.

Jane lets go of Liam's hand as he looked at her in worry, "Where are you going?"

"I think I know how to fix this whole fiasco." She says before rushing off. Liam and Henry try to blend in with the crowd so Uma wouldn't see them.

"Lumiere! They need to see Ben's present!" Jane yells as Lumiere nods quickly.

"And now unveiling King Ben's gift, his masterpiece designed specifically for his lady," Lumiere announces, and servants released the curtains hiding the gift which was a beautiful mural of Mal and Ben, the cherry on top was Mal's green eyes that glowed brightly.

Mal gasps at the present, "He did that for me?"

"Yeah he did." Evie says smiling.

Ben looks over at the painting, completely mesmerized especially by Mal's captivating eyes.

"Cover that now!" Uma orders Lumiere who snaps back at her.

"I certainly will not!"

Uma rushes to Ben's side and cups his face, "Why don't you tell them the present you have for me, Ben?" She asks and the gang looks in confusion.

"What gift?" Jasmine questions.

"You'll see." Sarina smirked.

"I have an announcement. Uma will join the court tonight as my lady." Ben yelled for all to hear as his father approached him.

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