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Hey guys! Sorry that this isn't an update but trust me I'm working on the next chapter as we speak!

Butttttt as most authors get...I got some writer's block.

Well in this specific part...

I'm not quite sure if Jasmine should go with Mal to the Isle or if she should stay and help the group find her...

Some of you wanted her to go but others wanted maybe her AND Dommi to go as as you can see I'm stumped.

The rest of the story..I've got it planned out so don't worry about that! It's going to be crazy!

This is the one part I'm having trouble writing.

Each scenario, I have an idea of how it's gonna go down but I'm not sure what I should pick.

So my lovely readers...I have a poll for you!

Comment if you want

-Jasmine and Mal to go to the Isle


-Jasmine to stay with the others, and help by using her knowledge about her brother and their crew


-Jasmine AND Dominique to go with Mal to the Isle

I really need some ideas so please help me out so I can make this story the best!

Love you guys!


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