Chapter Ten

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|Isle of the Lost|

"Uma, I'm not so sure about this."

Henry and his friend, Liam were summoned by Uma to have a discussion or mainly a proposition.

"What are you talking about? It's a great plan!" Uma argued and slammed her fist by not getting her way.

"It's risky, and like I told you..I don't want to leave Dizzy on the isle by herself without me." Liam added to the sea witch's daughter.

"Your mom and sister can watch her." Uma smacked his head as he growled. "Boys, this is the opportunity of a lifetime."

"You want us to sneak to Auradon, and have one of us try to get fairy godmother's daughter to fall for us, so we can get the wand?" Henry recapped as Uma evilly smiled and nodded.

"Damn this is brutal." Henry sighed, his hair turned blue.

"How are we gonna get there?" Liam asked.

"You boys good swimmers?" Uma retorted as they groaned.

"And I don't care who she falls for as long as it's one of you, you get her guard down and take the wand as soon as possible." Uma explained more thoroughly.

"Do I make myself clear?"

Liam and Henry shared a worried look then turned to their boss, "Yes, Uma."


Jasmine and Melissa sat in the R.O.A.R training center to watch Jay and Carlos practice, Dominique was going to join them but Evie asked her to help with some outfits for cotillion.

"So this is your first cotillion...." Melissa started to make conversation once it became awkward.

"Yeah, I hope I can blend in and play the part." Jasmine admitted shyly. She was nervous, back at the Isle the only dances there were, was when you stole something or beat someone up.

"Definitely, I love the whole pirate princess style.." Melissa nudged the girl as Jasmine laughed.

Carlos would sneak glances from time to time to look over at Jasmine. He wasn't sure how but he wanted to ask Jasmine to cotillion and something for their anniversary. He didn't want them to just assume they're going just because they were dating, he had to do something special but what?

Carlos always had a foot in the mouth even when talking to his own girlfriend, he got butterflies every time she smiled or says something.

"Jasmine! I'm glad I caught you!" Jane ran over to where Jas and Melissa sat.

"I need to know if the video you prepared for Mal is finished and if I can get the measurements for your dress." Jane read down a list of things to do.

Even if Jasmine wasn't in Mal's position, she still felt overwhelmed by the way Auradon does their events.

"Um no it's not done yet," Jasmine bit her lip.

"Well we are on a quick schedule so I'll need to have it by the afternoon." The brunette reminded then rushed away to go organize something else.

"Poor Jane, she's so busy she hasn't even found a date to the whole thing." Melissa added as Jasmine looked at Jane with sympathy.

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