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"The guys are probably wondering where I am so let's get back out there" he stated never looking away from my eyes, "oh and don't forget to text me"

The beautiful smirk appeared across his face, "how could I" i said provocatively and opened the door to the dressing room. We walked back to the main room all the guys were in as soon as we entered all eyes were on us.

Zayn, held a smirk on his face along with the other guys, all except rose she was too busy staring at Louis to even realize we walked in the room. "Rose come on let's go, they have to leave" I awkwardly broke the tension that was filling the room.

She hugged them all clinging onto Louis for a little longer than the others. "Nice meeting you" I say to Harry tucking a hair behind my ear, "the pleasure was all mine love" he whispered in my ear causing chills to run down my back.

I said goodbye to the other guys, before exiting I looked back one more time my eyes meeting with his dark green eyes, his smile lit up his eyes brighter than before.

The whole drive home rose just talked about the whole experience and Louis and did I forget to mention Louis? But I on the other hand only thought about that one curly haired boy.

He swept me of my feet with one look, with one breath, with one smile. I've never felt anything like it, it was as if we had already met. We finally reached our house it wasn't so far from the arena but al the traffic made it take a lot longer then it should have.

Our parents were already a sleep due to the fact that it was almost 12 since the meet took more time than we expected it to. "V, can I ask you something?" Rose spoke quietly as I was combing her hair ti but her to bed.

"Yes anything you'd like cupcake" I smiled at her, "where did you and Harry go?" I froze, everything flashed back in my Mind. I didn't know what to tell her, "I wanted to go to the bathroom so he showed me where it was" I lied.

But I couldn't possibly tell her. She would spread it and I didn't even know if this thing that we have going on is going to work, to be honest I don't even know what's going on.

She thanked me like a thousand times for taking her to the concert, I finally made it to my room. I plopped down remembering that Harry had given me his phone number. I don't know what to do, if I should text him or not. anxiety and fear held me, fear because I wasn't good enough to be with someone like him and anxiety, well it's Harry Styles for gods sake.

I finally decided to do so,

Me: hey Harry, this is Violet.

I pressed send without thinking about it twice but I immediately regretted it, someone like that doesn't want something with me. I mean he so damn famous and I'm just plain old me.

My thoughts were interrupted when my phone vibrated. I looked at the screen I was in shock, it was him.

Harry: hey love! I was actually sitting here waiting for your text ;)

A smile spread across my face, this couldn't possibly be real. This is way too good to be true. We talked for what seemed like hours, he explained all the things about tour and their daily routines not that they really had one.

They were always moving around from place to place. We then started to ask questions about each other I learned a lot about him for example, before 1D he was in a group called white eskimo, he also worked in a bakery. Which I liked because I love food so that works out perfectly.

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