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Then we lightened up a bit to see who was at the doorway, it was Rose. "whatcha doin'?" she said in a playful manner. "I was showing Harry around-" she cut me off, "harry and violet sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G" she sang quietly running in a circle around us.

I blushed at her comment, "we were not" I grab her arm chuckling a bit, "I wont tell but Harry I need you to tell louis that I love him very, very much" she smirked at him, "deal" harry holds out his abnormally large hand and shakes it with her tiny ones. she walks out happily and goes into her room closing the door behind her.

" I guess we just have to be a little more careful" he smirks down at me and without warning he crashes his lips onto mines I felt a shock of electricity spread all through my body. his lips moving in sync with mines, as the kiss deepend he placed his hand on one side of my face and the other moved to my waist pulling me closer.

Without thinking about it my arms wrapped themselves around his neck. he pull away resting our foreheads on each other breathing heavily. "you V, you're something else" he looks deep in my eyes causing me to feel something I've have never felt, a warm feeling filled my insides.

"well we should start getting ready for bed" I smirk and escape his grip, he holds his hand up to his heart and pretends to look hurt "now that's just cruel" he chuckles. I look back at him and grin widely and somehow this didn't feel real.

I mean how could it? then I walked into the bathroom and changed into so sweats and a t-shirt, I walked back into the room my eyes widening at the sight in front of me harry shirtless. I quickly look away. " you dont have to look away love" he chuckled lightly. I could feel my cheeks heating up as i slowly turn around, "sorry" i murmur looking at his eyes not wanting to focus on his mucular core.

But how could i not his butterfly tattoo was absolutly perfect. i was probably drooling at this point, oh and lets not forget to mention his birds tattoos. "you like what you see" he says playfully and smirks at me, i start to blush even harder.

"do you happen to have a pair of like extra large sweats?" he laughs lightly, "actually my brother left some clothes here before leaving to college so ill try to find you a pair" i walked over to my closet shining my flashlight at it, i found a box labeled 'Nicholas' i opened it dust aprticles becoming visible, but after a couple minutes of digging i found a pair of sweats and a t shirt Harry could sleep in.

"here you are your majesty" i handed him the joggers and a t-shirt he gives me a quick smile before slipping on the t-shirt, the his hands reach his belt i stuffen at the action, "do you want me to get out?" i asked him quietly, i didnt want to make him feel uncomfterble. "its fine" he smirks at me, i can feel butterflies explode in my stomach.

He then removes his tight skinny jeans revealing his toned legs, i look away so i can stop myself from smiling like a complete idiot.  when i turned back arouund he was fully change just then our moms walk in the room "Violet you should get harry some-" she was cut of when she saw i ahd already given harry some of Nicks clothes to sleep in.

"okay goodnight guys if you need anything well be across the hall and remeber, door, unlocked!" my mom warns us playfully we say our goodnights and they shut the door leaving just the two of us. "movie?" i suggest he nods his head yes.

we ended up watching Little Man. we laughed occationally, then i started to feel extremely cool since the heat wasnt working either and i guess harry noticed, "are you cold" his raspy voice spoke lowly, " a bit" i lie i was freezing. he motioned me to move next to him which i slowly did, i rested my head on his chest hearing his heartbeat and feeling as his chest slowly rose up and fell in a steady pattern.

he placed his arms around me pulling me in, i felt like nothing could hurt me like if i was untouchable. i felt protected. i then started to feel my eyes slowly start to close and with each passing second a bit more heavy. everything eventually blacked out.

AN: sorry for the short chapters but ive been extremly busy lately! but anyways i always think i know what im going to write for a certain chapter but then end up switching it up haha.

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