Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 edited and all that good stuff! Just a heads up, I have no idea how big or small Bayfield, Wisconsin is. I just Googled names of towns up there. I’ve never been to Wisconsin! I live in Florida, and I’m basing Bayfield off of a town I used to live in that is in the state of Florida. I actually used to live in the smallest county in Florida, but I moved. Now I’m living in a hugeeeeee city, and I love it. And I live like right on the beach now, so I’m tan. Yayyyy:) So, if you want to get a feel of the town I based Bayfield off of, it has literally maybe 3 or 4 restaurants, and there’s 3 stoplights in the whole entire county. Yeah, it’s pretty tiny. So glad I left. I’m going to stop now, and let you read.


The whole month of June passed in a complete blur. My schedule consisted of eating, sleeping, watching movies, and crying. Everything I did was mechanical, besides the crying. It got better and better every day, which I suppose is healthy. But I still couldn’t bring myself to enjoy my summer without Jace.

By the middle of July, I was lost still in a slump. I couldn’t do anything. Even getting up to go to the bathroom was hard for me. I know, it’s pathetic. When I did eat, it was barely anything.

Everyday turned into the same routine, and my parents could tell I was basically turning into a ghost. I knew they wanted to help me, but I felt like I was in a coma. I could hear everything going on around me, but I just couldn’t move. I couldn’t respond.

One afternoon, I heard the front door downstairs open and close, which isn’t normal for this time of day. My father and mother are usually both at work. I should’ve been nervous, or curious, but I hardly even noticed. 

“Victoria, can you come downstairs?” I heard my father call. It completely startled me, causing me to jump. 

I looked at my bedroom door in confusion. Why would he be home so early? I can’t even remember the last time I saw the bottom floor of the house. Okay, maybe that’s a bit dramatic.

I groaned as I pulled myself out of bed, trudging to the door. I made it down the stairs and to the kitchen, where I found my parents in a deep conversation.  

      "Hi, what are you both doing here so early?" I asked them.

       "Hey, baby. It’s nice to see you out of your room.” He said, offering me a light smile. I couldn’t find the energy to smile back, so I just shrugged. “I’m home early because there’s something we need to discuss.”

“Okay, what is it?” I asked him warily.

“Well, my boss was taking a look at my records, and he called me into his office today to ask me something.” He started slowly. I looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to continue. “He wants to promote me.”

“Oh, that’s great.” I said flatly, finding it hard to concentrate on what he was saying.

“Yeah, sweetheart. It is. There’s just a slight complication.” He said hesitantly.

“And?” I asked.

“The job he wants to promote me to isn’t here. It’s actually based inFlorida.” He said.

I stared at him for a few seconds before what he was saying sunk in.

“Are you saying... Move toFlorida?” I asked, rubbing my forehead.

He nodded and I sat down on the kitchen counter. That’s pretty much moving across the country. On one hand, it would be like a fresh start. On the other, it’s like completely leaving everything behind.

“What part ofFloridais it?” I asked softly.

“Jacksonville. It’s actually the biggest city area wise in the country.” He said, smiling slightly. “I know how you hate living in a little city like this one.”

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