Chapter 2

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Here is chapter 2 of my editing. I hope you enjoy it!

I also strongly recommend listening to that song on the right BEFORE you read. It just puts you in a mood. It might make you sad but it adds effect!


Several minutes after Dr. James left, my parents rushed in. “Sweetheart, how are you feeling?” My mother whispered softly to me.

“I’m fine. Just really sore.” I said quietly. I couldn’t deal with what Dr. James had told me right now. I wouldn’t be able to handle it. I pushed it to the back of my mind and focused on my parents, who still looked exhausted.

“Mom, how long have I been in the hospital?” I asked.

“Not long. About two days. Why?” She answered.

“You guys look really tired. And when is the last time you ate?” I asked.

“We haven’t eaten since we got the call about the accident.” My father said slowly from behind my mother. I looked at them in shock.

“Almost two days and you haven’t eaten? Are you crazy?!” I practically shouted at them. “Can we leave? I don’t want you guys to starve.”

“Of course, baby. Dr. James just gave us the okay.” My father said, taking my hand and helping me to my feet. I quickly grabbed the clothes my father had handed me and headed for the bathroom.

Once I was fully clothed, I exited the room, pulling my parents towards the door. My legs were still pretty sore, and I cringed slightly as I walked.

The car ride home was entirely too silent. Everything just felt wrong, like something was out of place. Normally my mother would be chattering away, but she quietly sat there, fidgeting with her hands.

My father had his hands tight around the steering wheel the whole way, his eyes never leaving the road. He pulled into a McDonalds, which was even more out of the normal.

My parents never eat fast food. He ordered something for each of us off of the dollar menu and we ate in silence.

When we finally reached my house, I quickly got out of the car, trying to escape the deafening silence. I headed straight for my room, and jumped in the shower.

My body was so numb I couldn’t even feel the hot water running down my back. My thoughts drifted to Jace, who would never be able to feel anything ever again. H

e wouldn’t get to graduate high school, or get married and have children. He gets to sit in the dirt. My heart lurched and the breath was suddenly taken out of me. I felt my heart literally breaking, and tears started to flow from my eyes.

Jacen’s death was finally sinking in. I sat on the floor of the shower as I let out gut-wrenching tears. My best friend, and basically my whole life, is gone. And there isn’t a thing I can do.

Thousands of happy memories were flooding through my mind. I covered my face with my hands as I remembered the least happy moment: The time where he was taken from me.

If he hadn’t have tried to save me, he would be alive. My best friend would be here right now. I caused this.

I sat on the floor of my shower, letting the tears freely run, until I couldn’t cry anymore. I stood up and shut off the water, which had long been cold. After getting dressed, I took a look in the mirror.

My face was swollen and puffy, with red blotches covering over half of it. Deciding it better to stay here than to go downstairs, I collapsed on my bed, purposefully passing out this time.

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