Chapter 11

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Hey!!! Should I do a chapter from Jesse’s point of view? Let me know!


          “Victoria, wake up!” I heard someone say loudly in my ear as they shook me.

           I opened my eyes to see Jesse smirking at me.

           “What?” I asked, sitting up. He continued to smile strangely at me. “Jesse, what? Why are you staring at me like – Oh god.” I said, suddenly realizing what must have happened.  “Was I talking in my sleep again?” Crap. I always do that at the worst times!

           “Yeah, you were. For like an hour straight.” He said, still smirking at me like I had missed some hilarious joke. “Don’t worry though. I held you in my arms the whole time as you talked.” He winked.

           “Tell me what I said.” I snapped at him. I’m definitely the opposite of a morning person.

           “Don’t be so cranky.” He said, poking my nose childishly. I slapped his hand away and glared.

“I was only smiling because you said my name at least ten times.” He said, starting to grin again.

I felt my face turn the color of a damn tomato, which only made Jesse laugh harder. I glared at him and he quickly sobered up. “I’m not laughing at you! I’m laughing because it’s cute.” He said.

           “What else did I say?” I asked him.

           “Something about your mom. I didn’t really know what you were saying. And then you talked about Jacen some. I’m used to that though. You always talk about Jacen when you sleep around me.” Jesse said nonchalantly. 

           “What?! Why didn’t you tell me?” I said, practically screaming at him.

           How embarrassing is that?  To be sitting there talking about Jacen when I’m with Jesse? That was just too much for me. 

           “I just kind of figured you knew that already. I mean, it makes perfect sense. Jacen is always on your mind lately because you’re around me. So when you sleep, you talk about him.” Jesse said, being completely serious. That was a first.

           “Oh.” I said, wanting to change the subject. It was too weird talking about Jacen to Jesse. That’s why I’m dreading the conversation I’m going to have to have with him. I’d rather just get it out of the way. “Jesse, I talked about my mom?” I questioned him.

           “Yeah. A little. You mostly mumbled. All I really heard was you say something about her lying. And then you started talking about me right after that.” He said, pulling me close and petting my hair like a dog.

           I swatted his hand away and continued. “What did I say about you?” I asked him.

           Ignoring my question, he said, “Do you remember anything from last night? I sure do. You pretty much attacked me.” He said, smirking at me again.

           “What?!” I gasped at him. The only thing I remember from last night is waking up to Kevin touching me in places he shouldn’t, Jesse kicking his ass, and that’s it. I can’t remember anything else. “Jesse, please tell me I didn’t do that.”

           “Oh, you did. You ripped off your clothes like you’ve been practicing for years. You ripped mine off pretty fast too. You don’t remember any of this?” He asked me. 

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