WSTW - Chapter 1 (Pic Of Kate Duncan)

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Chapter 1

It was a cold day as Kate Duncan made her way home from school. She didn't live that far away from her school, but it was still a pretty long walking distance from her house. As she made her way down the sidewalk she tried to cover herself with her light jacket because of the wind. With her mid thigh patterned navy skirt, white collared blouse and white knee high socks not being warm enough in the cold weather. The wind was blowing in every direction sending her hair around her face. Trying to get herself out of the cold she picked up her pace.

After minutes of walking Kate finally caught sight of her house, only there was something different than usual. She could see a black limo in the driveway. It looked out of place with the average looking houses and various coloured minivan complex. She wondered who's car that was and why it was parked outside her house. Picking up her pace yet again she hurried up her walkway and into the house shutting the door behind her with a loud thud.

"Hello! Is anyone home?" She yelled as she placed her backpack and jacket down by her feet and started walking down the hall.

"Sweetie, were in the family room if you could come over here please" her mother replied. As she made her way to the family room she started to get worried about what they were going to say or do to her. She hadn't done anything bad or disobedient lately so she had no idea of know what was going on.

As she stepped into the double door frame, she noticed 3 other people she didn't recognize. There was a man and women looking to be around mid 40's sitting on the couch, nicely dressed. There was also another man around 20 looking out the window with his back to Kate. Her mom and dad were on the slightly smaller couch talking to the other couple.

Kate took another step into the room while clearing her throat gaining everyone eyes upon her. She looked at everyone to see the couple and her parents with big grins on their face, while the young man looked at her with an eye brow raised in a confused expression. She felt confused as well not understanding what was going on.

"What's going on?" she asked finally when the silence grew larger.

"Oh sweetie, this is Mr. And Mrs. Wilson and their son Noah. Come sit down and we'll explain everything." Her mother said patting the seat next to her. She walked over to her and took her seat beside her mother looking first at her parents and then the couple opposite them.

"So what's going on that you're not telling me about? Because with the look on all you're faces, is there's big news" she said turning her attention back to her mother.

"Uh, sweetie it is a big new. You see -" she didn't finish before Kate interrupted her.

"Oh my god, did someone die?"

"No hun no one died it's just -"

"Is someone sick or injured? Are they in the hospital?" Kate interrupted again. Only to be snapped out by her father.

"No! No ones sick, injured or dead. Now would you just shut your god damn mouth and let your mother finish before you go off on a unnecessary rant." He said giving her the look that said 'if-you-don't-behave-you-will-pay-later'. Kate shut her mouth instantly and looked down at her hands on her lap. A silence went by for a couple seconds because of her father's outburst. Only to be picked back up with her mother's attempt of lightening the mood.

"No hunny, Like you're father said it has nothing to do with anything of that kind. What I was going to say was that, oh how do I put it nicely. Well technically sweetheart you're, uh, umm -"

"You're getting Married" her father finished her mother's attempts of finalizing the statement. Kate was completely taken back not knowing what to say. She looked around the room unconsciously looking at the other couple smiling brightly at her and the other man watching her now with amusement, just waiting for her to explode in anger.

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