WSTW - Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Once at the hospital Kate sprinted out of the car and into the building. Running down the halls and straight to the receptionist's desk.

"Umm excuse me but Cathy Duncan was admitted here sometime today. I'm her daughter." The receptionist looked down at her sheet before looking back up and pointing down another hall.

"She should be in room 109" With a smile Kate turned and took off down the hallway until she was in the hundreds. She started to slow down and she soon found Noah be her side as he grabbed her hand to show his support. 109 came into view and Kate took a big breath before opening the door to see Kate's dad hovering over her mom's frail body with fury.

"If you dare tell anyone about this I swear I will-" he was cut off with a clearing of the throat from Noah. Kate's dad looked up at the sound and saw Noah standing there with Kate's hand in his. Standing up straight he brought a fake smile to his face at the view of the two.

"Nice to see you Noah, Kate. How have you two been?" he asked trying to get off the current subject. Kate nodded looking at her mother with worried eyes and Noah could see all the guilt become more visible on her.

"Good" Noah simply replied as Kate made her way towards her mother. Letting go of Noah's hand she sat down on her bed and held her mother's delicately.

"How are you feeling?" she asked as her mother made a feeble attempt of a reassuring smile.

"I'm good baby girl, the robber had nothing on me." With that said Kate smile immediately vanished and a frown replaced it. Kate glanced over at her father, who had a grin on, and then looked back at her mother.

"Of course" she said and laughed a bit.

Kate and Noah stayed there all night and Kate didn't protest when Noah told her that she could miss the morning at school. She didn't want to leave her mother in the hospital but when her mother insisted that she get her education she agreed. Soon Kate's father left saying he had to get to work for a night shift and once he was out of the door Noah stepped out, no doubt knowing Kate wanted time alone with her mom.

"So what really happened mom?" Kate asked after a few minutes of silence. Sighing, Cathy turned to her daughter.

"We had an argument that I wasn't willing to step aside and let your father walk over me." She said as she looked out the window trying to avoid her daughters eyes.

"And what was the argument about mom?" Kate asked, taking her hand in hers.

"He wanted to have another kid, a boy of course." She said

"Because I'm not there anymore? He turned to you, but that makes no sense. He knows you had you tubes tied, there's no way you can have a kid." Kate said as her mother turned to face her.

"He knows I can't have kids, which is why he was looking into sera gate mothers, or someone to have his kid. He's been looking into them for some time, ever since he found out you would be getting married to Noah. He asked, well he told me he had found one and that I have to sign some papers for confirmation that I would be the mother when the child's born. He brought home the papers last night and I wouldn't sign it, I didn't want another being to be harmed by your father. You and I both know that it would be wonderful for me to have another child, but with your father in the picture it's just not an option." Kate was speechless at the end and just looked at her mom with shocked eyes.

"He's still that determined to have a son huh?" she asked. Cathy nodded her head and looked back out the window. Kate sighed and looked at her mother closer, studying her.

"That's not the whole truth is it?" Kate asked and her mom shook her head while silent tears came pouring out.

"What is it mom? Please tell me" Kate said looking at her mother worried.

"He's uhm, he's gone ahead and talked to uhm, with the mother. Apparently you're going to have a brother or sister soon." Kate sat there looking over at her mother impossibly quiet as she thought of what she said.

"I... wow I don't know what to say. So what, I mean how - and when - did that all happen?" Kate asked trying to get something out.

"Your dad found out he had to give you to Noah when you were almost 16. He started looking then and apparently it worked out because a few days after you left, He started to uhm, you know bring up the options. It was last night when he'd finally had enough and told me to sign the papers and that I was going to be a mother to a second child.

"You know and I was always wondering why he was acting to patient and nice once you left, I mean he didn't lift a finger towards me and he started acting as if we were the happy family we started out to be. But now I know it was only because he knew he could have a possible son. I'm so stupid, I should have known something was up."

"Shhh, No mom you did nothing wrong. You know dad always gets what he wants and there's no way you could have known he would have done this." Kate said as she hugged her mother, while she cried on her shoulder. They sat in silence for a while before Kate asked a question she needed to know

"So do you know how far along the girl is with my brother/sister?" She asked and her mother looked up at her with red rimmed eyes.

"Your father said she was about 10 weeks along. She's due in September apparently. That's all I know. Ohh, and her names Alinna." The way she said 'Alinna' made Kate laugh. Although it wasn't a laughing matter she could tell her mother was not fond of the girl what so ever. But either Kate would be if the roles were reversed.

"What's the story behind her? I mean how did dad get her into this agreement? I mean I would never have a kid and just hand it over to someone else." Cathy looked at her and then laughed.

"She's some 20 year old slut bag that wanted the money. She was even willing to do it the easy way with him for extra cash then go to the doctors and get pregnant that way. I mean what slut would willingly agree to that?" Kate shook her head with a small laugh.

"Who knows mom, but my guess is apparently sluts like her." Cathy and Kate looked at her and started to laugh. The situation wasn't funny the least bit but giggles started to come from both of them. Noah walked in when he heard the two laughing and smiled at the two of them.

"What's so funny?" He asked looked at the two who were still laughing. Kate turned to him and her smile faded a bit but still held it's shine.

"I'm going to be a big sister." Once the words were out of her mouth Noah's smile dropped and he stood there, shocked and staring at the two, clearly not knowing how that could be so funny.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2010 ⏰

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