WSTW - Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Kate woke up to the feeling of Noah behind her, with his arms wrapped around her middle and the front of his body pressed up against her back. She smiled to herself as the thoughts of last nifty flooded back to her. How well Noah treated her during the arrangement party made her feel like she was worth something to him and not just as someone he was being forced to marry.

Kate slowly slid out of bed trying not to stir the sleeping Noah beside her. She paced around the room looking for her bags so she could get ready for the day. She looks behind everything visible find nothing belonging to her. As she turned bad to do a second search of the room she felt someone hands go around her middle pulling her back to them. She was crushed against the chest of Noah as he felt his lips lower to her ear, his hot breath being passed along her sending a shiver down her spine.

"I thought you implied that I may recieve something from you yesterday? Do you remember right before we left for the party you murmured something to be moved to a later time. I just wanted to know if that time could be now?"

A smile appeared on Kate's face as he said those words. She knew what he was talking about, honestly she wanted it to seeing as good it felt last night. Kate turned back around to face him a smile still on her face as well on his.

"did I say such thing? Hmm well I don't remember saying that" she jokingly replied as his smile grew wider. He leaned closer to her placing his lips just above hers. Kate took a sharp intake of breath at the close distance. Noah's smile widened at the sound, and a slight laugh escaped his lips.

"please may I have my treat now, I've been dying to see what it may be." At that moment Kate couldn't help herself any longer. She stared between his lips and eyes as he spoke and once those last words escaped his lips she closed the distance between the two crushing their lips together.

Kate snaked her arms up and around Noah's neck making him lean deeper into the kiss. He grabbed a tight trip on Kate's hips crusting her pelvis into is. A hungry moan escaped Noah as there was no room between the two.

Minuted must have passed threw the kiss as Kate lost track, she couldn't get rid of the feeling that time had stopped behind her as in seconds actually becoming minutes.

Just then old memories started to flood in as similar events happened against her own judgement. She tried turning the memories out of her head but ended up going threw them as if living them at that moment. She drastically flinched herself back from Noah's grasp and stepped away from him seeing him as her father and not the man saving her from that man.

Confusion was immediatly placed on Noah's face as he snapped his eyes back open. He tilted his head at her pronouncing his question and Kate lowered her head in reply.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to pull away I just couldn't do it it doesnt feel right. I know im not suppose to talk back but I can't just sit here anymore and let out like I have no feeling in what your doing. I can't I just can't, please STOP... STOp... STop... Stop... stop"

Kate kept repeating those last few words - her voice becoming less inaudible - as she remained staring at theground. It was if she were at home as Kate realized she had done something bad with out even thinking. She had never spoken to her father like that, so defensively and she knew she would get in big trouble for finally finding her voice.

She was placing herself back into that house she raised up in and was seeing herself infront of her dad trying to avoid another punishment. She wouldn't look up at him to see his reaction and kept her eyes down as silent tears trickled down her face.

She felt a heavy hand being place on her shoulder and flinched away absentmindedly at the touch. Still remaining silent as the tears finally fell down to the dark hard wood floor. She breathed in a heavy breath as she knew what was to come next.

"Kate are you ok? Why are you crying? I'm sorry if that happened to fast and I'm sorry if you felt pressured I truly didn't want that to happen! But Kate it's my fault and I'm not going to hurt you I told you that. Please stop crying I hate it when you look sad."Kate's head shook as her silent tears became louder in the quiet room.

She seemed to be hearing a voice but not really comprehending what the voice was saying. She was confused on what was taking him so long for her beating. Her father had never waited this long, he had usually gotten it over with, right then and there. But now he was taking his time. Kate felt the wait even more agonizingas she stood there waiting for the fatal blow.

"Kate do you hear me I'm sorry for what I did I didn't mean it I just didn't think of you as I only thought of my own needs. I was soselfish and I am soo sorry I... just... I... I don't know... what else to say." his hand slid to go under her chin as he lifted her head up. Kate's eyes audomatically shut in responce and the words fell out of her mouth before she could stop them.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry dad I won't do it again, I promise I won't pull away just please don't hurt me."

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