WSTW - Chapter 7 (Pic Of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence)

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Chapter 7

Both Noah and Kate walked around talking to everyone who had attended. Noah was sweet with his introductions, seeing as she knew less than a dozen out of the hundreds there. Soon the night grew long, both Noah and Kate were happy to see people leaving in groups.

Now only a couple people lingered around, Noah noticed a couple looking to be in their late 40's who they haven't talked to. Kate thought they looked like your typical married rich pair - stuck up and snobby with their noses to far up in the air - Yet knowing she had to be polite she took Noah's hand as he led her over to them. On their way there Noah gave her a warning about 'Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence.'

"Whatever you do don't be the one to ask the question, Mr. Lawrence is really strict on the proper role of a women. Meaning they are only to speak when spoken too with respect, as long as remain in the shadows of their man. But don't worry I'll be right beside you for backup. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise." Kate nodded her head and leaned into him. Noah placed an arm around her waist just as they reached the two.

"Hello Mr. Wilson, it is nice to see your finally settling down and are moving forward in your life. Good, I wish you luck." Kate immediatly felt the effects of his words on Noah. He grew tense all of a sudden and tightened his grip on her waist.

"Yes I would say so as well, thank you for your blessing. My Kate and I appreciate it." Noah followed in saying, a bit of tension lost in his attempts to calm down. Both Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence's eyes flashed to Kate as her name was mentioned, looking as if they had just noticed her. Kate smiled back and held out her hand, out of habit.

"Nice to meet you" She said keeping her voice low. She hoped she wasn't being to forward to them. Mr. Lawrence's eyebrow raised in question at her words, clearly not amused with her introduction.

"Pleasure" Was all that came out of his mouth as his wife stood quietly by his side. Kate lowered her eyes knowing she had just done what Noah warned her not to. "I see you have some work to do on her" Mr. Lawrence whispered to Noah, loud enough for her to hear. She turned her head to the ground sadened by his words. "That is my call, not yours sir." Noah said with anger building back up in him. Kate sooth him by rubbing his arm with hers, calming him down instantly.

"As you wish, that is only my opinion. - He said to Noah and then turned back to face Kate - Now Kate how may I ask did you end up meeting, seeing as big a age difference you two have" He asked, waiting for her answer.

"Our parents were rather close during both our upbringings and time before, we grew up knowing eachothers from dinners to social events. One day Noah and I started to have a conversation at a dinner that was held at my house and our relationship grew from there I suppose." she replied with a smile knowing how good a liar she was at times. "We find that you never really notice the age difference when you like someone the way we do eachothers. I only knew he was 7 years older because of the fact that I grew up knowing him. Other than that it is like there is no difference at all."

Kate couldn't wipe that smile off her face with that brilliant story she just created on the spot. She gazed up at Noah to see him smiling brightly back down at her. She knew that he was impressed by how believable her story sounded.

"Oh so that should make you 17, would it not?" he said trying to get a bad answer out of her. Kate was really starting to hate this man. She realized that once she would host her own party, he would never be allowed in.

"Close but I will be 17 within a couple months, making me 16 now." She didn't like where this conversation was going but she didn't like how he was trying to pry his way into her life. "Wow what a young age to be placed in such a grown up situations as marriage. How do your parents feel about this? Do they agree?"

"They happily agree with the decisions I have made, this being one of them. They sent their blessing to both of us with no complaints on the subject, and my parents would freely tell me if they disagreed. But they know what a wonderful man Noah is." She squeezed noah's hand looking back up at him. They stared into eachothes eyes not wanting to look away. How could hey feel so close after meeting only a day ago Kate thought. But she didn't dwell on that thought as he brought his lips back down to hers, only touching them lightly before pulling back. Kate wanted more but knew they were with company so reluctantly looked back at Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence.

Both seemed to seetheir true happiness in eachothers arms and grew tired of the conversation. They quickly thanked them for a lovely evening and grabbed their things before leaving. Both Noah and Kate let out a exhausted sigh as they watched their final guests head out the door. They thanked Noah's parents for the night and headed up to bed themselves.

Noah and Kate climbed the stairs heading to their room. Kate was still in Noah's arms resting her head against his shoulder. Noah noticed more of Kate's weight was being placed on him. He stopped abruptly and picked her up bridal style, carrying her the rest of the way.

"Noah put me down, I can walk" she told him. Noah just smiled at her and kept walking. Not moving whatsoever to place his fiancée on her feet again.

"No love, your tired and deserve to be let off your feet after tonight. I also life carrying you, it makes me feel - physically - closer to you." A blush came to Kate's face with his words. She stayed silent after that not knowing what to say.

They reached their bedroom and Noah took them both in, laying Kate down on the bed placing the covers over her still dressed body. Kate turned on her side facing him as he crawled into bed beside her. She wiggled over to Noah, burying her face in his chest and wrapping her arms around his waist as he did the same. They stayed like that for a while before Kate felt Noah's hand slide down her hips and across to her butt. Cupping it in his hands while thinking she had fallen asleep, which was now far from true.

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