WSTW - Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Noah didn't know what to say to her. He just sat there looking stunned, It must have been minutes before Noah was able to comprehend what was going on.

He inched himself closer to her placing his hands on her shoulder and pulling her into a tight hug. He didn't know if this was going to help the situation or not, but he had to try.

She flinched at his touch and stiffened beneath him. He just help tight to her and kept mururing words into her ear. As time passed Kate began to relax and eventually the sobs became louder as she realized what had just happened to her. She circled her arms around Noah's waist and wept into his chest with his remaining kind words running threw her head.

"Kate babe it's all alright. I'm here, nothing will happen to you. Your safe Hun... Your safe" Noah kept repeating as her posture relaxed in his protective arms.

Kate felt her body being lifted up as Noah picked her up and walked her back to the bed. He placed her down gently and pulled he covers over her. He looked back down at he as her eyes became heavy with exhaustion. Noah turned to walk out and let her sleep when he felt a week grasp on his lower arm. He turned around and looked back up at Kate.

"Dont leave me please, I don't want you to go" Her voice was so harsh from her sobs that Noah nodded his head in agreement. He slipped in beside her and wrapped his arms around her pulling her body into his. Her head rested on his chest as her sobs finally subsided and a easy steady breathing followed.

"Kate I will never leave you, no matter what happens I will always be there for you. I will be the one to protect you and I will be the one to bring you back to yourself. You will never have to be afraid again in your life. I promise you that Kate... I promise."

Noah thought she had fallen asleep by that point, but by the tightening of her arms around him he knew she heard his words. A smile appeared back on his face as he nuzzeled close to her.

That smile vanished as he heard Kate talk in her sleep. She kept on whimpering as he knew what she was dreaming about. Her voice carried in his head imbedding themselves a perminent place there. "Dad no, please not tonight I don't want to. Please just let me rest, I still hurt from last night." Noah thought that she was having an abusive flashback but once those othe words spread from her mouth he knew somehing was different.

"NO! I don't want to have your kids I'm only a kid myself. Please dad no! NO!" she screamed and started to cry as her eyes shot open to find a worried Noah staring back at her. She immediatlystopped her crying and just looked up into Noah's compassionate eyes.

"Kate what was that about, what did your dad do to you? I thought he only hit you... Did he ever touch you in any other way?" Noah asked as he cupped her head in his big and gentle hands.

Kate turned her head in the other direction not saying anything. She didn't want him to think of her as a dirty girl. She knew that he would look disgusting in his eyes after she told him the truth. She didn't want their relationship to change.

"Kate please tell me, I promise not to say anything bad. Whatever you say will not change how I see you." Kate let out a sigh and turned back to face him.

"My dad never used to touch me in that way while I was growing up. He would just end up drunk and randomly hit me. I never thought it was that bad until he started drinking more frequently and would come home pissed and needing a punching bag... That being me or my mother. Whoever was closest." she stopes and looked up into his eyes for encouragement. He placed a reassuring smile on his face so she continued.

"I got pretty used to his rules. No friends - I just kept them on the side. - No talking back. Make sure the house is clean, but most importantly was to never talk back and always be obedient. It wasn't that hard seeing as I grew up with it, but one night everything changed and even though I hated being beaten I wished that I was, rather then going threw what my father did." she took a deep breath to steady herself and proceeded.

"My dad always wanted a big family but only ended up having me. I guess him and my moyer have been trying for years, even though my mom didn't want to bring a child into the house we lived in where it would have to go threw what we did. So she went and got her tubes tied when I was a toddler without telling my father. He never thought anything of it other then it was hard for her to conceave again. But as I got older and my mom still didn't get pregnant my dad started to worry if something was wrong with her. So he took her to a doctor demanding questions while my mom stood obediently by his side knowing her secret that only her and I knew about would work it's way back to dad.

"Once my dad found out he completely flipped and that night he placed my mom in the hospital because of what she did. She had to stay there for a week leaving me alone with my dad. I recieved beatings daily until one night I guess my dad thought of a plan to have kids... The plan including my help.

"He came in my room later that night while I was sleeping and told me how since my mother couldn't carry any children that I would have to do. He said that even though I may be his daughter that j carry my mothers DNA in me and that alone made it ok for me to carry his children without it being wrong. I was only 12 at the time but I knew what he meant and I was scared to death. I wasn't ready for any of it let alone be a mother to my fathers children. But I could do anything about it and I just hoped that luck would be on my side that night.

"He raped me for hours on end and wouldn't stop to any of my plea's. When ever I told him to stop he just kept on telling me that it was for a good cause and that I should be happy that I would get a new brother or sister thanks to him. He finally stopped and walked away leaving me there broken on my bed as I cried myself to sleep.

"The next day my mom came home and when dad was at work I told her of his plan and what he did to me. She was apologizing on end to me seeing as she should have protected me and got me out of the situation. But when dad wasn't around she went to the doctors placing me on birth control and grabing the morning after pill just in case. Luckly I never got pregnant as we kept the secret from dad. He would come into my room every few days to 'try' and get me pregnant but I never did. He just thought I was to young.

"But when He found my stash of preventative pregnancies - only about a week ago - he completely flipped. Luckly, thanks to you he didn't have time to react about it. Seeing as I were to be married and be out of his grasp." she finished her story out of breath and saddened. She looked back up at Noah to find a deep frown on his face. Kate sighed deeply as she knew he must feel disgusted at her story. She thought he would want nothing to do with her despite what he said. But what came out of his mouth surprised her beyond belief and put a smile upon her face.

"Kate what your father did to you was completely wrong and now the very mention of him brings a deeply sadening and angry thought to my head. But you need to know that no matter what he did, non of it was your fault. Your father is obviously a sick and depressed man to be thinking the way he had been. You did absolutely nothing wrong with your life and you didn't deserve one bit of what you got. If I possibly could I would murder your father just for knowing what he did." his eyes turned dark and his forehead crincled even more as he thought of taking out her father. But Kate just smoothed out the lined with her hand and placed a smile on her face telling him of how happy she was with what he said. He faintly smiled back as his face completely softened. He placed a kiss on her head and then brought his forehead back down to hers.

"I know you may think I have said this to much but j want you to know I will always be there to protect you and will never harm you in the way your father did nor anyother way. I want touting be happy with me and by doing so you have to trust me that what I say is the truth. Kate I will never let anything like that happen to you again. But do you trust me?" he asked her as he snaked his arms around her waist waiting for her answer.

She let out a heavy breath for the last time that day and looked up at him in confirmation. Her smile widened as she saw his growing with wonder. Leaning closer to him she placed a small kiss on his cheek then his lips.

"I promise I will trust you." With that she put her head back on his chest and shut her eyes, content in his arms as he was in hers.

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