WSTW - Chapter 3 (Pic Of Kate's Parents)

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Chapter 3

The car ride from Kate's old home to her new one was long. It seemed to take hours just to get halfway there. The whole ride was filled with mindless chatter from his parents, talking about the wedding. Kate wasn't really paying that much attention. She was mainly thinking of how her life had changed, for the good. She snuggled up close to Noah the whole ride, with her arms around his waist and her head laying on his chest. She liked how she felt so safe in his arms, only knowing him for no more than 6 hours. Already she feels like she's known him longer. She felt well protected with him with her, something she's never felt before. That's also something she enjoyed, having no fear.

She tuned in and out of the ongoing conversation, only giving nods of approval when asked. She only really snapped back in when the wedding date was mentioned.

"So we were thinking of a summer wedding. So that only gives us about 3 months, seeing as it's already March. We have so much to do in so little time, yet I know it's possible. The engagement party is tomorrow night so after that everything should run smoothly." Mrs. Wilson explained.

"Really? What so soon? I thought we had a year?" Kate replied, Noah could hear the worry in her voice. Kate had accepted the fact of getting married and heard about it being in the summer, but she didn't come to terms with the fact that summer was 3 month away. Everything was happening so quickly. She just and something to slow down a little.

"Well, we thought summer would make a beautiful wedding. Having it outdoors with the beauty of the lake nearby, it would be quite wonderful. Plus the bonus of with the wedding not far away, grandchildren wouldn't be far away either." She finished with a smile looking at both Noah and Kate. "Oh you too are going to have the most beautiful children, I can see it now. With Kate's striking eyes and Noah's sun kissed skin. They will be absolutely breath taking." Noah felt Kate tense at his mother's words. He knew they would be pressuring him and Kate into having kids right away, and Noah did want that too. But Noah could tell that Kate wasn't ready, she wasn't mentally ready to have children plus the fact she was only 16. He knew this and he accepted the fact he would have to wait no matter what his parents said. No kids in the nearby future. He could tell Kate was at a loss for words, wanting to tell them 'no' but putting it politely as well.

"Don't worry babe, that's only what they want. We can wait however long you want to too start a family, Promise" he said, bending down to whisper in her ear. She instantly relaxed, as a smile formed on her lips. She couldn't believe that things were actually turning out well.

"Thank you" she mumbled bck into his chest, thightening her grip for closeness.

After that Kate drifted to sleep still clung to Noah. He didn't realize until he asked her if she was ok with no reply. He just looked down at her with a smile, and placed a hand in her hair mindlessly playing with it. He kept thinking how she looked so peaceful when she slept. No worry lines or sad eyes, just a beautiful face. He couldn't believe that she was his. That in only 3 months it will be official that she belongs to him and him alone. He couldn't wait until that moment. He never thought he would feel this way about a women but here he was looking down on her and picturing their life in perfect form.

He wanted her so bad, but he didn't want to scare her off. He knew how she felt about having kids so he knew he would wait, and he was ok with that. But just because she wasn't ready to have kids doesn't mean he won't try to have his way with her. He wanted her in everyway and that way most importantly. He never felt this way about anyone, never wanting to have the person the 'whole' person... mind and body. He wanted her to love him just like he was already starting to do to her. But for that to happen she would have to have no fear of him.

He decided he would give her those 3 months before the wedding to have to herself. She wouldn't have to do anything with him unless she wanted to. But once they were married she would have to behave like a wife. That wouldn't have to be children but he did know for sure it would mean sex. He didn;t think he would be able to last past 3 months without having her. She was just so irresistible he wouldn't be able to resist.

Hours had past as he thought about the rest of his life, married to Kate. He didn't realize how close he was to his home until it was in plain view. He lived fairly close to his parents, as in down the street in the next complex. He bought and moved into the house not even 2 months ago, right around his birthday because he knew he would have to have a house for his family.

They pulled up to his parents house, dropping them off first.

"Goodbye sweetie. See you tomorrow. Tell Kate I'll come over at around noonish to help her get ready for the engagement party. I have a few outfits she would look adorable in." His mother said to him once out of the limo.

"Sure thing. Once she's awake I'll let her know what you said. See you tomorrow." He replied then shut the door, signalling for the driver to leave.

Once in hi own drive way, Noah opened the door and picked Kate up bridal style trying not to wake her. He walked down the pathway to the front door trying to juggle holding Kate and searching for his keys. He managed to shift Kate and unlock and open the door only causing Kate to stir for a moment but remain asleep. Once in the house he quickly went up the stairs and into 'their' bedroom, placing her lightly under the covers of their bed and removing her shoes. She still had on her school uniform so he was debating on whether to change her into something more comfortable or just let her rest.

He decided to just let her rest knowing that if she woke up she could change then. He sat down on the bed beside her placing the fallen hair covering her faced behind her ear. He quickly bent down kissing her forehead before getting up and leaving the room. He thought he'd watch a little TV before he went to bed himself.

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