WSTW - Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Kate's first two classes went by quickly and before she could think about what was happening around her she realized that it was lunch time. She stood up quickly walked towards the lunch line and bought a pasta salad and a bottle water. She looked around for a place to sit and kept on looking at the table of people she already knew. She knew that Daren had a good reason for why she shouldn't hang out with Erin, but she didn't believe that he would side up with his brother just to hurt her or Noah. He seemed like a sweet guy in her eyes and the fact that giving up Erin also meant giving up the rest of his friends... She wasn't willing to be friendless right now. She made her way to their table, big smile on her face. Everyone looked at her as she took her seat between Erin and Caty.

"What's up?" she asked as they continued to stare at her.

"Nothing... how was your first two classes?" Erin asked seeming to be acting his normal self.

"Good I guess... but boring." Still looking at everyone watching her she sighed and decided to explain about this morning. "Look guys I'm sorry about this morning, I know it was totally rude of Daren to act like that but if I had known he would have dragged me off without a word I would have said something, Sorry."

"It's OK Kate. It was kinda weird I have to admit, but no big deal... lets forget about it" Caty replied smiling at Kate, who nodded and started to eat her lunch.

After that, lunch continued on as if nothing happened and before long the bell rang signalling for her to go to class. Gym was as usual as ever and again Erin walked her to class afterwards both of them laughing and joking around. Kate decided that she really liked Erin and that he was a really nice friend, he kind of flirts alot with her but she could tell that it was just natural for him and part of his personality. She knew she was going to keep Erin as a friend no matter what Noah says because so far Erin had given her no reason to think otherwise.

Again when Kate left Erin and went into math she felt Delia's arms around her wrist. She looked down at her again but this time only slightly angry seeing as she knew she was going to warn her about Erin again. But her expression changed as she heard the opposite words come out of her mouth.

"Hey Kate, I was wondering if maybe you would want to come over to my place tomorrow... you know to work on the chemistry project?" Kate nodded her head slowly as she looked at Delia.

"Uhm, yeah sure... what time would you like me over at your place?" She asked still wondering if she heard correctly.

"Uhm, how about right after school? We can walk to my place together?" Kate thought for a second before turning to face her completely with a wide smile and nodding her head vigorously.

"Yeah sure that sounds great. I'll probably have to bring Daren with me but don't mind him, just act as if it's the two of us!" she said excitedly now, she was hopefully have another friend and Delia seemed like a nice girl even if they didn't get along the first time they met. She seemed interesting and they had the same interest in books which had to be a plus Kate thought to herself.

Delia gave her a confused looks when she mentioned Daren but quickly put that thought away and nodded her head before smiling and turning back to the board as the bell rang. Kate made her way to her seat, waiting for class to end.


Class ended quickly and Kate flew out of the class searching for Caty before heading off to the mall with her and Daren - who was waiting in the limo. She found her at her locker and bounced up to her giving her a quick hug.

"Hey! You ready?" she asked as Caty turned around to face her smiling.

"Yeah sure thing. I just need to get my books ready and then we can leave. Do you want to use my car or yours?"

"Uhm, we can use yours but Daren's already waiting in the limo for me so it's up to you!" They both smiled at each other as Caty got more excited.

"A limo? You've got to be kidding me, we can't pass that opportunity up now girl, come on my car can wait for the desperate times while we go shopping in style." They both laughed as they made their way down to the exit of the school. As they were just about to exit the doors, they ran into Melissa.

"Hey guys, what you up to?" she asked turning an standing in front of the laughing pair.

"Going shopping actually... wait hey do you want to join, the more the merrier." Kate asked looking at Melissa with a smile which was reciprocated.

"I'd love to but Derek and I-" Melissa began before Caty intervened.

"Oh come on Melissa, all you and Derek do is hang with each other, have some fun with your girl friends for a change and get your guys off your mind for at least a few hours. Enjoy high school life and not just the relationship portions." Melissa smiled before slowly nodding her head.

"Ok fine, you make sense... I'll phone Derek and tell him plans changed then." They all smiled as they continued walking outside and stopped in front of the limo waiting. The driver opened the door and quickly stepped aside for the 3 girls to go inside, which they did gleefully with giggles. Once inside Melissa quickly made a phone call to Derek and he seemed fine with it as long as they hung out when she got back. So it all seemed to be working out fine in her books. After the phone call is when they realized that it had been silent other then the girls mindless chit chat. Kate turned around and looked at Daren's grinning face and blushed knowing she had forgotten about him and excluded him from their conversation.

"Oh my god! Daren I'm sooo sorry, I forgot you were in the car. How rude of me, will you forgive me?" Kate asked as the girls looked at him smiling.

"Sure Kate, no biggy. Anyways now that I have you're attention I'm suppose to tell you to call Noah. He wants to tell you something." Kate looked at him and slightly frowned thinking about that mornings events. She had thought about his reaction and knew he over reacted and she shouldn't have had to apologize. She knew it was him that needed to and she hoped that was why he wanted to talk to her about. Kate nodded in response and held out her hand before taking the phone Daren handed her and punching in his cell number. It rang twice before Noah picked up.

"Hello, Kate is that you?" he asked sounding breathess.

"Yeah Hey Noah. You wanted me to call you?" she asked desperately wanting him to apologize so they can put the events behind them.

"Uh yeah, I wanted to actually apologize for this morning. I totally took what happened out of proportion and I shouldn't have. I'm sorry Kate." Kate smiled at his words before wiping the smile off and spoke.

"You shouldn't have and I even apologized for what I did and you completely ignored me."

I know and that's another reason why I'm apologizing, I shouldn't have freaked out and turned you out, I'm trying to work on that and I'm sorry you had to see that side of me. Can you please forgive me?" he asked sounding desperate. Kate smiled again knowing she forgave him almost immediately.

"Yeah sure I guess, but your on a short leash right now bud. Remember that." She tried not laughing as she looked over at Melissa and Caty trying to hold in their giggles at her attempt of control on their relationship.

"Yes I know and I won't forget it Kate I promise. Thanks again. So what are you up to now?" he asked changing the subject.

"Just on my way to the mall with Caty and Melissa actually."

"Hmm, are you still going to get me something?" he asked a smirk clear in his face at the thought of his possible gift.

"Maybe I haven't decided yet, I guess you'll have to wait and see. Anyways I got to go ok? I'll talk to you when I get home." Kate said. Noah grunted in response before sighing and saying goodbye.

"Ok fine, I love you." He said waiting for her following words.

"I love you too, see ya." She hung up on him smiling as she handed the phone back to Daren. She turned to the girls as they tried holding in their laughter. All at the same time though they let it out and started giggling like crazy at her conversation. Just when they calmed down the car slowed as the driver turned around telling them that they had arrived at the mall.

They got out of the limo and quickly looked around. 'Man the mall here was large here' Kate thought before the 3 girls and Daren started making their way to the entrance.

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