WSTW - Chapter 11 (Pic Of Chris Smith)

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Chapter 11

"KATE!!! Where were you? You had us worried!" Chris screamed as he tackled her into a hug once he caught sight of her. He hadn't been that worried about her at first thinking she was sick maybe, but once Natalie told him what his dad did to her he started becoming sick with worry. He didn't know what to do about the situation. He thought about going over there and officially putting an end to her father but knew he wouldn't have a chance, so he and Natalie both agreed to wait a bit and see what happens... then phoning it in.

Kate laughed as she was squished in Chris's arms, it felt so good to see her friends and realize just how much she loved and missed them. She reluctantly pushed back from Chris and stared at him and placed on a joyful smile.

"Oh God Kate we had no clue where you were, uh, umm Natalie even had to tell me about your, uh dad because she was so worried." Her smile fell a little as she took in Chris knowing her secret, but was only placed back on knowing it was out as she didn't have to deal with it anymore.

"It's o.k. you deserved to know anyways, I hated keeping it a secret from you. But I wanted to talk to you guys, and tell you where I really was." Both Natalie and Chris's eyes widened with anticipation and Kate pointed for both of them to sit on the bed opposite from her. She stood looking down at her friends and quickly gestured to a smiling Daren behind her.

"First of all I want you to meet Daren. I've already introduced Natalie and him to one another so now Chris - Daren, Daren - Chris." Chris did a small wave towards the man at the door that Daren returned and faced back towards Kate wanting more information. Kate giggled at both her friends wanting faces.

"He's my bodyguard. You see after school Friday I came home and people were over. - Well more specifically Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were over with their son Noah. - Anyways it's seemed that when I was born my parents were in a bit of debt and The Wilson's offered an arrangement that I would marry their son if he still wasn't married at 23. At first when I heard about it I was outraged and refused to go through with it, but when in my room I guess my dad, uhm 'talked some sense into me' sort of speak meaning I had no choice." She looked at both of their faces when she said what her dad did. They dropped dramatically but lightened back up seeing her excitement with what she was about to continue with.

"So I got to meet Noah for a bit and he was really nice I noticed. When I was packing my bags - because I was going to live with him - dad came back in being his rude self and Noah witnessed when dad pushed me down and called me something. Since then he's been so sweet to me even when I have a nightmare about something or when I just need to be with someone." Kate had a giddy smile on her face just thinking about him.

"So yeah, I live with Noah and we're going to get married in about 3 months. Oh gosh guys I think I love him, but that can't be right... It's only been a week. It's a crush right, it's too soon so it must be just a strong affection. But definitely not love it's just way too early-" he cut herself off as her face was placed in Natalie's chest as she hugged her tight. She wrapped her arms around her in return and then pulled away after a few seconds.

"Babe, I'm so happy for you. I mean you're young and you shouldn't have to get married this early and I am pissed at your parents for pushing this, but hey look at you. I haven't seen you this giddy or joyful in all the time I've known you. That's almost your whole LIFE Kate! I'm just so happy jeez I hope he's good to you. You deserve it after all this time." Natalie pulled her back into another hug then pulled away with a more serious look on her face.

"And I think your love him babe. I mean you could never be this happy for someone you just like alot. It doesn't make sense. But yeah it is early but it happens you know... kind of like love at first sight?" Kate giggled and nodded her head. She turned and looked around Natalie to see Chris standing there with a smile on his face.

"What do you think?" she asked already knowing the answer

"I think you know what I'm gunna say Kay. I can't believe you're with a guy let alone getting married. You know I always told you that you should go out in the dating world and look at you now, a gorgeous bride to be with everything she ever wanted and needed." Kate ran over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck hugging him tightly. He picked her up and swung her around a little placing her back on the floor and kissing her forehead.

"Good luck, I'll be cheering for ya!" Chris added as she looked over at Daren, forgetting he was in the room watching what happened. Chris followed her gaze to Daren and found himself asking the question that didn't add up.

"So does it mean that because you're getting married you have to have a body guard?" Kate slightly laughed and turned back to him.

"No! Well Noah is kind of, well, umm 'more than comfortable' in their living. I don't really get why I have to have a body guard but Noah was adamant about me having one for extra protection. Seeing as he can afford it I didn't really complain because Daren's real cool." She smiled over at Daren and his grew knowing they had been become friends.

"Wait you mean Noah's RICH?" Natalie practically screamed causing Kate to face her

"Yeah I'd say so, I mean you should see the house he - we - have together. It's huge I mean both your families could live there comfortable with their own rooms it's that big. You should see it!"

"So you guys are set. Remind me to come to you now and leave Chris's wallet untapped when it's necessary." Natalie jokingly said as everyone laughed. Kate covered her mouth out of habit while laughing and Natalie and Chris abruptly stopped and grew wide eye as they looked at her. Kate stopped laughing too and looked at them with confusion.

"What's up? Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked as they continued to stare at her.

"You-you're hand it, um, uhm RING" Natalie shrieked as she caught Kate's hand in her grasp and looked at her engagement ring. Kate smiled as Chris looked it over too. Kate realized she had done alot of smiling lately, but she wasn't complaining. It was just her new life was something she had always wanted. To be filled with people who cared for her and didn't use her in anyway.

"That's the ring Noah gave me for our engagement, do you like it?"

"Do I - are you kidding me Kate. It's breathtaking I can't even imagine - wow and Noah gave this to you he must really - wow that's all I can say is just WOW!" Kate started laughing harder as she realized Natalie was so speechless she couldn't compose a full sentence properly.

"Yeah I know I LOVE it. But I like it because he gave it to me and not because of the size. Even though it is pretty big!" They all laughed again as everyone moved back to the bed to sit down.

The rest of their visit had been normal, mainly just Kate talking about the wedding plans and asking for them to both be a part of it - which they agreed simultaneously. - But by the end of all this Kate realized it was getting late and she had to leave. She didn't want to leave her friends but she desperately wanted to see Noah again. The day had been too long for them to be apart and Kate needed him at this point. She got up and grabbed Daren's hand telling him they should leave. She quickly said goodbye to both her friends and promised to come back soon or vise versa. She couldn't wait to see them again was all she thought about as she got in the limo heading home. It was going to be a long car ride and she was getting tired with the events of the day taking a toll on her body. She fell into a deep sleep once leaning her head against the car window.

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