Becoming Miss. Popular

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Emily's POV.
"Morning mom" I said as I walked into the kitchen for breakfast.
"Morning sweetie, are you ready for your first day at school?" My mom asked as she served me a plate of toast and scrambled eggs.
"Not really, you and I both know that first days are always the worst days. I don't even know why we had to move." I said not even in the mood to eat any more.
"Sweetie look I'm sorry that we had to move but you know it's the nature of the job, the job that puts food on our table and clothes on our backs. I'm sure you'll make lots of new friends, you always do. I love you hon." She ruffled my hair. "Yeah I love you too mum" I said removing her hand then biting into my toast.

Princeton High is that kind of normal school we see on TV and in Wattpad books. There are the jocks and the cheerleaders and as always the quarter back of the football team will obviously be dating the head cheerleader and they are sadly... generally bullies. Then there are the geeks and nerds who know nothing other than getting A's in everything they do. Not that that isn't good though. And then they're the random ones and now I have just been classified as one of the random ones.
As I walked through the doors of Princeton High it felt like all eyes were on me and if that isn't awkward then I certainly don't know what is. And suddenly I felt my head hit something solid and and the next thing I knew I was on the ground along with my bag and my books and I just realized what happened. I bumped into someone. Silly me!
"Watch where you walk newbie" the guy said rudely and left, so rude, but I have to admit he's pretty cute.
"Let me help you with that" a girl said as she crouched down beside me. She had blue eyes and blonde hair and some mad ass dress sense. She was dressed in a white Sun dress which stopped right above her knees and black flats. Trust me that's a lot of dress sense for me since I hardly dress pretty.
"No it's fine I can handle it." I told her but she still picked up my books and helped me get up.
"It's no big deal, seniors here can be really mean but since I've got a brother here who is a senior they're always nice to me." She said. "Lucky you" I mutterd and she smiled.
" I'm Joline but my friends call me Jo."
"Emily" I said with a smile.

'Pulled up on your bitch tell her man I'm sorry, hundred on my wrist jumping out the rari' my phone rang waking me up at least now I wouldn't be late for school. Checking the caller ID I saw it was Jo calling. We became best of friends ever since she helped me out in the hallway the other day. Not exactly best of friends but you get what I mean... right?
"Seriously Jo couldn't you have texted , you know how much I hate being woken up from sleep" I said grumbling in the phone.
"I know but its really important. Besides don't you think if I didn't call you wouldn't wake up early and you'll be late to school again?" She whined. She does have a point. " 5 minutes" I said with a stern voice like a mother scolding her child.
"Thank you, okay so my brother is throwing a party this Saturday and I have the liberty to invite just one friend and I want that that friend to be you" she said all in one breath "wait, isn't your brother the jerk that pushed me in the hallway that day?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows even though she couldn't see me. "No that's his best friend, the one dating the bitchy McKenzie. He's also the quarterback of the football team" she explained. "Yeah I didn't ask for a biography. And about the party I'll be there just text me the address and the time. I mean do you really think that I'll turn down any opportunity to be with your brother?" I asked and hung up the phone to avoid any questions.
Josh is Jo's extremely hot brother. I mean we haven't met before but I see him on the hallways in the cafeteria and so many other places. He's so beautiful.

"Bye" I said to Jo as I walked over to my mom's car. First time she came to pick me since I resumed. "Was that Jo?" She asked when I got into the car. I noticed the eye bags that formed under her eyes. Sometimes I felt so bad at how she worked her butt off just to give me the best. "Yeah" I said. "Shes pretty" my mom said as she drove out of The school's parking lot. "Lol mum, and that reminds me, Jo invited me to a party this Saturday. Here's the invitation" I said and handed her the invitation card specially made for me, not that she knows though.
"Yeah I'm going to have to open that once I pull over. What kind of party is it?" She asked me, eyes still focused on the road. "Its a house party; her brother's the one throwing the party so she invited me. It's also at night" I said the 'at night' part really slow, knowing my mom; she'd definitely change her mind.
"At night? Sweetie we talked about this before we moved here. I can't have you going to parties at night. It's not safe" she said and then pulled over to the side of the road. This could definitely earn us a ticket. Time for a pep talk ugh! "I know we talked about it but it's just one party, I won't stay long at the party and by twelve I'd be home. I promise." I said quickly that I was scared she hardly heard a word I said.
"This has to do with a boy doesn't it? Do you like a guy; is he going to be at the party? Is that why you want to go so bad?" Too many questions.
"This has nothing to do with a boy mom, although I kind of like Jo's brother but that doesn't have to do with anything. I just want to spend time with my best friend, make new friends and live life to the fullest before a new week comes again. I mean it's high school mum. Besides he's a senior and I'm a sophomore ." I said all in one breath. I talk really fast most of the time. I should probably get it checked.
"I'm only looking out for you hon" my mom said. "Does that mean I'm going or not?" I asked as she started the car.
"We'll see" she said and drove off.
I love my mom, I do, but sometimes she can be a real pain in the butt. I don't blame her though, ever since dad left us when I was 7, it's been hard on her. Oh and if you're wondering about my age, I'm 16.

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