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Aiden's POV.

Aiden- hey, you busy?
BlazingGoddess-I'm having english with Mrs Meyers, Why?
Aiden- I need your help.
BlazingGoddess- oooh, the almighty Aiden asks for help. What to do?
Aiden- it's serious Jo. Come out to the bleachers and I'll explain it to you.
BlazingGoddess- um just so you know, I'm having English with Mrs Meyers and that woman would never let you leave the class even if your hair was on fire. What's so important anyway?
Aiden- you'll find out when you get here, just tell her you're on your period or something. Please.
BlazingGoddess- I'm on my way.

I waited for Jo in the bleachers for about ten minutes before I saw her walking towards me. She was dressed in a blue dress that reached her mid thigh and had an open back. Her was neatly packed into a bun.

"So Aiden, what's so important anyway!" She shouted from a distance.

I ran over to her and kept my hand over her mouth to keep her from getting us into trouble.

"You do know we're not supposed to be here right? So shout like that again and we're gonna get in trouble. Got that?" She nodded her head in response to what I said.

"I need you to ditch school for me" I said toher and she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"You need me to what now?" She said.

"I mean I need you to get Emily to ditch school, for me" I said more clearly with my best puppy dog eyes.

This is really important and I hope she says yes.

"O-kay, but first you have to tell me why"

Hope it doesn't hurt you though...

"No problem."

Emily's POV.

I met up with Jo at her locker so we could go for lunch together.

"What took you so long?" She asked immediately I got to locker.

"The biology teacher wanted to see us. Including your class but that will be after he said. I'm exhausted" I said leaning on the lockers.

Right now I feel like all the bones in my body are going to come to a crush.

That's how tired I am.

"I have an idea but you might not like it though. Let's ditch school" she said smiling goofily.

Is she crazy?

Do you even need to ask?

"No way in hell am I doing that" I said standing upright so I could look serious.

"Well it's a good thing we're not in hell right?" She said and I rolled my eyes.

"I see too much of Mrs Meyers is interfering with your brain. Are you crazy? We are so gonna get in trouble if we get caught and I'm not ready to get in trouble thank you very much" I said as I took my lunch from my locker and started walking away, only to be dragged back by her.

"If we get caught. It'll be fun trust me. I know this amazing place I used to go as a kid. You could relax there, take a swim maybe and you could even sleep in the car on our way there. Don't you trust me?" She said giving me her best puppy dog eyes.

Well it's only going to be once...

Ah shit. I can't believe I'm saying this...

"Fine. But this is the first and the last time I'm doing this. Okay?" I said a stern look on my face.

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