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Joline's POV.

After that touching moment with Josh, I felt quite relieved but still angry at myself for liking that player, good-for-nothing jerk, hot, muscular, amazing looking hot spice.

I'm totally messed up.

I picked up my phone and scrolled down my contacts and stopped when I saw Emily's name. I was a little bit angry at her cause I feel she stole Aiden from me.

He didn't even like you from the start. My subconscious said.

BlazingGoddess- hey Em, you busy? I'm kinda bored here.

But, I guess life without Aiden can be good, I mean it's not like he ever liked me in that way so us dating was not bound to happen anyway.

Emiily- nope, was watching a movie. You okay?
BlazingGoddess- yeah I'm fine. Just need someone to talk to urgently.
Emiily- um how about this, I'll be there in an hour. My mom's still in the bathroom don't know when she'll come out.
BlazingGoddess- why do you need to wait for you mom to come out?
Emiily- so I could ask her if I could take the car.

Oh, I totally forgot they shared a car.

BlazingGoddess- Awn, thanks Em
Emiily- sure, anytime.

"Jo! Emily's here to see you" my mom shouted from downstairs thirty minutes after we texted.

"I'm coming mom!" I shouted back as I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen to meet my mom.

"She's over there in the living room, and look at you hon. You look so stressed" my mom said touching my face.

She was hardly around along with my dad due to business trips but she came back from Ohio just yesterday and I have to say, it's good to have her back home even if it will be for just a short while.

"I'm fine mom, I've got a guest remember?" I said and kissed her cheek before walking to the living room. The gigantic but empty living room.

We and by we I mean my family hardly ever had family dinners or game nights in the living room anymore. That's why it felt empty.

I looked over to Emily as I stepped into the living room. She was dressed in a red and black checkered button up shirt and black leggins with black sandals and her hair was packed neatly into a bun.

She really is beautiful  (I'm definitely not a lesbian EW) I like Aiden remember?

"Hey babe" she said laughing as she jumped on me.
"Oh my God do you know how big you are?" I shouted pushing her off me.
"Yeah I know. I've got a big booty you know"
"Of course you do" I said laughing as we both sat down on one of the many couches in the living room.

"I love your mom." She said "she's really nice and she makes really amazing brownies. I'm actually surprised she knew me"

Emily's POV.
"I love your mom." I said "she's really nice and she makes really amazing brownies. I'm actually surprised she knew me" I said considering the fact that she gave me a brownie to taste when I got to her house and she recognized me immediately.

"Of course she knows you. I talk about you all the time. Don't feel yourself too much though" she warned.

"Why are you all dressed up by the way?" Jo asked.

"You're only asking that because you're wearing a tank top on shorts and bedroom slippers" I said and smiling and gave her a playful nudge and she shook her head.

I have to admit, I kind of feel inferior to Jo sometimes. I mean you need to take a look at her house.

"I'm home what do you expect? Besides Josh is not at home so if you went through all this, I mean making yourself look all pretty for him you just wasted your time." She said and got up to sit on the couch opposite the one I sat on.

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