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Walking towards my locker, I saw Emily. Screw this, I'm gonna talk to her.

"Hey, Emily?" I said walking towards her. The late bell had rung now so the hallways were practically empty.
"Yes. Is there something wrong? Am I in trouble?" She asked with a panicked face.

"No no." I said and gave a short laugh "did you do anything lately that could get you in trouble?"  I added making a conversation.

"Definitely not, I'm not like that. Well, I kinda am like that I mean I'm human but you know what they say, first impressions count." She said and gave a nervous laugh.

It made her prettier though.

"Wait I know you" she said breaking me out of my thoughts. "You're Josh's best friend right? The quarterback of the football team. The one who hates me" she said giving a sheepish smile.

Wow, somebody's done their research...

"Yeah I am. The name's Aiden." I said with a wink which made her smile "and I don't hate you. Don't get me mistaken for Mackenzie." I added quickly.

"Your girlfriend?" She asked

"No, my ex girlfriend. We broke up today"I said confidently.

"Oh I'm so sorry" she said sympathetically.

I just realized that I'm extremely late for class but fuck that, class can wait.

"No pain there" I said with a smirk. She probably thinks I'm a player now.
"I mean I was already tired of the relationship and all." I quickly added after seeing the reaction on her face.

"It's fine. You don't have to explain anything to me. I gotta go though, see you around" she said and gave me a closed mouth smile as she walked away.

She's definitely too good for me. But who cares?

I always get what I want.

Josh's Pov.
I tied the lace on my shows and walked towards Aiden who was also tying his lace. We were in the boys locker room along with the rest of the boys in the football team.

"Hey man, I talked to Em today. She seems nice" I said resting on a locker.

"Cool" he said not even looking up.

"I heard you broke up with Mackenzie. You finally manned up." I said smiling.

"Yeah I did." He said still not looking up. What's wrong with him.

"Dude, what's up with you? You're acting strange." I sat down on the bench beside him.

Aiden and I have come a long way. We might look like two heartless fuck boys who don't give a shit about nothing but deep inside, we're just softies at heart.

"Nothing man, just confused about stuff." He muttered and walked away.

Something's definitely wrong with him.


After school, I waited in my car for Jo to finish her conversation with Emily.

"Sorry for the delay" she said in a sing-song voice as she entered the car.

"No problem. How's cheerleading going?" I asked as I drove out of the car park.

"It's going pretty well. I'm planning on signing up Emily to join the team" she said smiling.

I'm gonna tell her.

Don't tell her.

I'm doing it.

"And I'm planning on hooking Aiden and Emily up for a date" I said also smiling but then her expression changed from a smile to a frown. O-Kay.

"Pull over." She said calmly and I immediately listened.
"You okay?" I asked looking over to her.

"I'm okay. It's really shocking though" she said shaking her head.

"What is?" I asked clueless.

"The fact that my own brother doesn't know the tiniest detail about me and you know what's worse, it hurts...bad" she said and ran out of the car hurling a taxi.

Shit... what have I done now?


"Jo?" I asked knocking on her door.

I wonder though, how she got home before me.

"Dont come in" she said in a low tone I could barely hear.

"I'm coming in." I said as I pushed the door open. She was on her bed hugging a pillow and her eyes looked red like she had been crying since she got out of the car.

I'm a really bad big brother.

"What part of don't come in did you not understand" she said in a rude low tone.

"Um, the 'don't' part. Look I'm sorry; I didn't know you liked Aiden at all. You know I'll never do anything to hurt you right?" I said sitting down beside her my arm around her shoulder.

"Correction, I like Aiden. Always have, always will. Funny enough you want to set Em and Aiden up. I like Aiden, Em likes you. And we have no idea who you or Aiden likes" she said in a sad tone.

Wait... Em likes me?

"Emily likes me? Wow, Aidens not gonna like that."

"Look I've forgiven you so please leave my room so I can get back to my sulking." She said carrying the pillow up to her face.

"Hey." I said softly removing the pillow and throwing it down to the floor which made her scowl.

"Whether Aiden likes you or not is his loss because, he's missing out on such a great opportunity to be with an amazing girl like you." I said truthfully looking her in the eye all through.

"Awn. Thanks bro. You're always there for me when I need you the most" she sniffled and then gave me a hug which I immediately responded to.

"It's us against the world."


Authors note.
Okay I know this isn't exactly long but I'm extremely tired and I have a bad headache so please bear with me. I'll try and update soon though.

Pls vote and comment and tell your friends to tell their friends.

Question of the chapter:
Chicken or fish?

Love you guys💝

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