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After getting a pep talk from Mrs Meyers on phone usage in class and promising to never let such act to repeat itself, I was finally allowed to have lunch.

I went to my locker first to drop my books and since I had lost my appetite, I only took my diet coke from my lunch and threw the rest away. Wasting food? Yes but certainly not my fault. I walked over to Jo's locker and saw her still waiting.

"You're late." She said

"I got nabbed."

"My bad. Now let's go eat some lunch!" She shouted and dragged me in to the cafeteria causing me to roll my eyes.

We entered the cafeteria which was obviously filled with hungry people. We walked to our usual table and I sat down opening my diet coke. "Wait here" she said and walked over to the table where jocks and cheerleaders sit.

The girls on our table looked curiously at her since she usually didn't do this all the time. The girls I really didn't talk to but just hanged around with. Now what is Jo up to.

After a few minutes of curiosity guess who came to have a little chat; Josh. "Hey I'm Josh. You're Emily right?" He knows my name.

"Yeah I am. Jo talks about you a lot though" I said showing off my pearly whites. What? He's talking to mee!

"Does she now? That's cute" he said. Older boys and saying cute. I totally forgot about the other girls on the table until when Josh waved hi to them and they started smiling and twirling they're hair. I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

"Can I get your number? So we can get to talk to each other outside of school." He asked, a smirk on his face or wait, I think I imagined it. "Um ye-ah su-re" I stammered. Stupid me. I gave him my number and he walked back to his friends.

I walked towards the trash can and threw my diet coke away. I looked over to see Jo skipping over to me. Sometimes I wonder if she knew her age or had to reminded about it. "Where were you." I asked feigning annoyance.

"I was talking to Aiden, although his girlfriend wasn't really impressed with that." She said and gave me a side hug and showed me her pearly whites causing me to roll my eyes.

Sometimes I wonder if my eyeballs will fall off due to rolling my eyes so much.
"So how was it?" She asked, looking like a child who was asking her mother for a piece of candy.

"Good, I guess. I gave him my number so I'll I'm waiting for is a text" I said and side-hugged her back. Things are finally falling into place.

I guess moving here won't be so bad after all.

Aiden's POV.
I saw Josh talking to Emily while she was laughing and twirling her hair. She really is beautiful. Wait what?

For some weird reasons I was pissed as to how she was really enjoying the conversation and I don't know why.

"Hey babe" Mackenzie said as she sat on my laps. She was wearing her cheerleading our fit that barely covered her ass and funny enough that didn't turn me on. "Hey" I said nudging her slightly off my lap.

"What?" She asked a frown on her face. "Nothings wrong, I'm just not in the mood" I said standing up and walking away.

"Since when where you never in the mood" she shouted from across the cafeteria. Fucking Drama Queen. Thank God most people had left the cafeteria cause I'm about to do something. Something that Mackenzie is going to hate so bad.

"You really wanna do this here!" I shouted back and walked towards her. "Well let's do this. You make me sick, I'm freaking tired of acting like I still like you. What the hell happened to you?  You're not the Mackenzie I knew. You've changed... in a bad way. We're done man. I like someone else." Do I?...

With that said I walked away ignoring her protests and cries. I'm really heartless.

Do I like Emily? Cause it sure feels like I do.
No I can't. She's not my type. Never will she be my type.


Authors note.
Hey guys another chapter. Hope you enjoyed it. I have decided to start asking questions at the end of each chapter so as to start a conversation between us. Sorry for the short chapter the next one is going to be loong.

1. Do you think Aiden should fall in love with Emily? He's not a player btw.

2. Vanilla or Chocolate 💞💝

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Love you guys💝

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