A Night at the Club: Part 4

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In the meantime...

"Jimmy, what's going on?" Gavin asked his best waiter. He looked too flustered for this to be a routine problem.

"We were ratted out," he said, pacing slowly cross the carpeted floor inside Gavin's office. "Don't think I gotta tell you by who."

"Chaz Corbin," Gavin said matter-a-factly. "I knew that son of a bitch would do something like that after they threw him in the slammer."

"The coppers didn't give him a choice," Jimmy said, while wiping the sweat off is brow. "We followed the regular procedure, but that bastard made a deal with the lieutenant, that rat Harris. Then they dropped the assault charge. He's out, Boss."

"That's obvious. He wouldn't have squealed if they weren't going to let him out," Gavin said, as he picked up a pencil and tapped it on his desk.

"So, what are we gonna do?" Jimmy asked. He was turning paler every moment that passed. These kinds of situations always made him nervous.

"We'll wait, and see what fate has in store," he said and dropped the pencil. "In the meantime, I have a lady waiting for me."

"Oh, that cute little brunette," he said and formed a wide smile. "She's a classy one."

"Yes, she is, and I don't want to keep her waiting too long," he said, leading him to the door of the office. "Just keep a lookout and come and get me if anything happens with Chaz."

Gavin walked into the main room and looked around for his table. There was Zorell sitting there enjoying the show. He hated the fact that his attention was turned elsewhere. He felt like their night out was becoming a bust, but looking at her she seemed happy, and that was all that mattered to him. Just when he was about to step forward to join her he noticed something, or rather someone he didn't want to see.

"Chaz," he said under his breath. He watched closely has he made a beeline towards his table where Zorell was sitting. Anger was boiling up inside him. He didn't want that man anywhere near her. He was about to approach when someone stopped him.

"Hello, there, Gav," a pretty dark-haired woman said.

He just rolled his eyes at her words that was sounding very much like nails on a chalkboard. "Not now, Olivia," he said, trying to escape her, but she was determined to keep him in place.

"Now is the perfect time," she said, reaching her hand towards his chest. He caught her arm before she could go any further with her seduction.

"I said, not now," he said forcefully, throwing her arm away from him. "In fact, not ever."

As he walked away he heard her call out his name, but he just ignored it. Instead, he made a beeline to the table where he had left the woman he considered his best girl. What he noticed when he got closer was that she was no longer there. He looked back to where he left Olivia standing, and she was now gone. He scanned the entire place, and she was nowhere to be found. He stood there wondering if he had been set up.

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