It's been years since Samurai Jack vanquished the evil Aku. Even with the death of Ashi Jack lives on with more hope of what is to come. In the shadows lurks a new evil that Jack has yet to discover.
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After the loss of Ashi Jack wondered grieving over her death. Then he found hope staring at a ladybug which gave Ashi her hope. Jack looked at the mountains with the sun shining bright. Years Later... "Years have passed, Aku's grasp no longer chokes the past, present, and the future. Through darkness I have found hope" -Samurai Jack Jack has left his home in search of a new adventure. However Jack believes the world is at peace with Aku destroyed. As Samurai Jack rides on his horse through the tall grass.
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Jack notices smoke in the distance. He rides off in the distance hoping that it's just a camp fire. Jack was very wrong. Three bandits were trying to rob a family that appeared to be traveling as well. Jack pulled his sword out of the sheath and slashed through two of the bandits. Only one remained. Jack without hesitation kicked the bandit. The other two bandits were wounded and ran away. Jack jumped onto the third bandit. "Who do you work for there is no more evil infesting this earth" The bandit smiles and says one word "Aku". Jack has no words he starts to sweat and remember the villainous Aku.
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"No this cannot be! I destroyed Aku years ago!" The bandit then dies. Jack doesn't know what to do he needs answers but who does he turn to? Jack decides to meditate for answers. The family go on their way and thank Jack for his help. Jack sits and meditates. He then gets that same sensation when he needed to get his sword. He remembers this grassy area. He talks to the little man he spoke to before.
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The little man tells Jack that Aku is no longer and that those bandits just won't believe that Aku is gone forever. They both drink some tea. Jack leaves his meditation and goes back to his horse. They start riding through the tall grass again. Jack now knows he has nothing to worry about.
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