A Tragic Recovery

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"Years have passed, Aku's grasp no longer chokes the past, present, and the future. Through darkness I have found hope"
-Samurai Jack
Jack is in a world of flames. Jack is confused and feels anxious. He hears Aku's laugh in the distance.
Jack: No it cannot be.
Aku: Yes foolish Samurai I have returned.
Jack: I vanquished you years ago.
Aku: You cannot vanquish me Samurai.
Jack: NOOOO!
Jack hears Ashi's voice in the dkstance.
Ashi: Save me Jack!
Jack: Ashi!
Jack wakes up in sweat he is badly wounded. His horse is not moving. "Your death will not be in vein my novel stead". Jack is having a hard time moving. He buries his horse friend and moves on. Jack has blurry vision but he can see a light in the distance. It appears to be the home of a Blacksmith. Jack knows what he has to do. Jack slowly makes it to the Blacksmith's home.
Blacksmith: Are you ok?
Jack: Not really, do you mind if I stay here for a while?
Blacksmith: No problem!
Jack explains to the Blacksmith how he arrived at his home. Jack remembers the armor he used to wear in Aku's future. Jack describes to the Blacksmith exactly what he needs. Jack makes sure every detail is correct. Jack is ready to fight. Jack remembers what he used to look like in the armor.

 Jack remembers what he used to look like in the armor

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Jack does not miss those days. Jack bids the Blacksmith farewell and thanks him for his services. The Blacksmith warns Jack of a great evil. As Jack wonders towards the temple a man on a horse rides towards Jack. Jack knows the man from his home.The man tells Jack that his father has passed away. Jack is distraught but follows the man back to his home.

 Jack is distraught but follows the man back to his home

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Jack is grieving at his fathers funeral. His mother is still alive. Jack's mother tells Jack that she will be ok. Jack knows his father lived a good life even after Aku's short reign. Jack sighs at the sight of his father in the tomb. Jack is upset but must move on.
Jack: Mother there is a new evil I must vanquish.
Mother: Do what you must Jack.
Jack: When I destroy the evil I will return mother.
Mother: See you soon my son.
Jack rides on a new horse towards the sunset.

Jack rides on a new horse towards the sunset

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