Time To Fight

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"Years have passed, Aku's grasp no longer chokes the past, present, and the future. Through darkness I have found hope"
-Samurai Jack
Jack and his horse are both tired. They both reach a nearby stream. As jack takes some water to drink a shadow appears behind him. It's a ninja. Jack looks everywhere. In each tree there are two ninjas. Jack pulls out his sword and is ready to fight. Two ninjas run towards Jack. Jack slashes through both of the ninjas. They are both still alive but very wounded. Four more ninjas attack Jack. Jack  cuts down the ninjas. One is left out of the four and Jack screams as he jumps and round house kicks the ninja in the face killing him instantly. All the ninjas look at Jack.
Ninja: Samurai Jack your end is near.
Jack: I will fight until I die.
Ninja: So be it Samurai.
Jack: Very Well, you will regret this.
Jack is ready to do whatever it takes to defeat this evil. Jack screams and slashes through several more ninjas. Ten more ninjas lunge at Jack. They then jump off Jack. Jack has lost. His cloak is tattered. He is wounded and has cuts all over his body. Jack still manages to stand up with his sword.
Jack: You should be running.
Ninja: What are you talking about foolish Samurai.
Jack You will see...
Jack stands tall and screams while swinging his sword cutting through ninja after ninja. When the battle is won Jack is weak and wounded. Jack gets on his horse. They ride forward. There is a waterfall up ahead. One ninja still remains.
Ninja: It's over Samurai.
The ninja shoots an arrow at Jack's horse causing them both to fall into the water fall. The ninja stares down at the water fall.
Ninja: Master I have killed the Samurai.

Ninja: Master I have killed the Samurai

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