It's been years since Samurai Jack vanquished the evil Aku. Even with the death of Ashi Jack lives on with more hope of what is to come. In the shadows lurks a new evil that Jack has yet to discover.
"Years have passed, Aku's grasp no longer chokes the past, present, and the future. Through darkness I have found hope" -Samurai Jack It's been days since his father had passed away. Jack is grieving but determined to destroy the evil he had uncovered. Jack takes his horse to the same temple. The temple of ninjas. It looks abandoned, however Jack doesn't believe that no one is there. Jack rides his horse up the staircase. Jack is in the temple. No one is there not even the evil Him. Jack is confused about this and decides to leave. Jack and his horse go down the stairs. Jack realizes that they are close to a Shaolin Monk temple. Jack remembers the Shaolin Monk temple in the future. Jack also remembers how old the Grand Master was in the future. The temple was the only place Jack was safe from Aku.
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However it's different now that Aku is destroyed. There are many Shaolin monks. Jack enters the temple. Jack follows two Shaolin Monks into the temple towards the Grand Master. The Grand Master warns Jack of a great evil. Jack knows of this great evil. Jack tells the Grand Master that he will vanquish the evil. Jack remembers how two Shaolin Monks fought at his side against Aku.
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Jack leaves the Shaolin Monks. Jack rides on his horse through a forest. There is a temple but this one is different than the other temple. Out of nowhere Him appears.
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Him: Hello Samurai Jack long time no see. Jack: With the power of righteousness I will end you foul creature. Him: Now Jack that isn't nice. Jack: It's time for you to meet your destiny. Him: We shall see! Him lunges at Jack. Him punches Jack but Jack gets back up and pulls out his sword. Jack screams in fury. Jack slashes at Him continuously. Him stares at Jack and laughs. Jack throws his sword at Him and it slashes the side of Him's chest. Him: You shouldn't have done that! Jack: No more! Jack gets his sword and pierces it through Him's chest. Him: It's not that easy! Him takes Jack's sword and with his claw like hands he snaps it into pieces. Jack's eyes widen and looks at Him. Him is smiling. On the hilt of the sword a bit of the blade is left. The rest is scattered on the forest floor. Him laughs at Jack. Him: Better luck next time Samurai! Jack: I'm finishing this now! Him: I don't think so! Him throws blazing fire at Jack causing Jack to fly up against a tree. Jack is knocked out at the foot of the tree with a shattered sword beside him.
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