Return of Evil

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" I have destroyed the evil that plagued the world. It's time to move on. I must continue to fight for peace. Gotta fight , fight for the future"
-Samurai Jack
Jack is growing old. However he feels much different then when he was in Aku's future. Jack's memories keep disappearing. Jack wonders if he is losing his mind. Jack has defeated Aku and Him. Jack decides it is time to rest. It is all over now. Jack defeated the bandits that were burning the village nearby. Jack is standing outside his armor is sitting on the ground of his barn. Jack's horse is sleeping. The wind rustles through Jack's beard. Is it possible Jack has finally found peace? With all of the losses he has suffered. Then Jack looks to the distance the sun is setting. Jack sees lots of men riding on horses towards his house. The horses are trampling Jack's crops. Jack gets his armor. Jack gets on his horse and charges towards the men. Jack wields his sword slicing through several of the men. They look like the bandits that were destroying the village. Jack slices through more of the men. Only one bandit is left.
Jack: What do you want from me?
Bandit: You will die foolish Samurai!
Jack: Your arrogance will be your downfall!
Bandit: We will see Samurai Jack. Aku will return and his reign will not be stopped.
Jack: I destroyed Aku years ago! That foul demon will never return!
Bandit: Aku will return and there's nothing you can do about it!
Jack is ready to vanquish the bandit but then something happens to Jack. Jack feels lots of pain all over his body.
Bandit: Your getting old Samurai.
The Bandit rides off as Jack feels defeated he drops his sword. Jack must follow the Bandit. Jack turns around to see that his home got destroyed in the fight. Jack gets on his horse with his armor still intact and rides after the Bandit. Jack is angry but his thoughts must not be clouded he has to keep moving. Jack finally catches up to the Bandit to find a temple. This was different than Him's temple. There is a stone statue of Aku in the center. Jack sees several men with cloaks chanting something. The Bandit that Jack chased is the only one without a cloak. He starts talking while all the cloaked men listen.
Bandit: Aku is the true ruler of this world. He is the master of masters the Shogun of sorrows. He is evil incarnate. Samurai Jack destroyed Aku but what he didn't know is that there was a tiny bit of Aku's evil essence in his fortress. I discovered the essence while seeing if Aku was really gone. It is time for his return!
Jack looks at the Bandit in shock.
The Bandit takes a knife and cuts himself. His blood drips on Aku's statue. The Bandit throws the black substance onto the statue. There is a red glow and then in a cloud of smoke Jack hears an evil laugh.
Aku: Long ago in a distant land, I, Aku, the shape shifting master of darkness, unleashed an unspeakable evil! But a foolish samurai warrior wielding a magic sword stepped forth to oppose me
Before the final blow was struck, I tore open a portal in time, and flung him into the future where my evil is law. Now the fool seeks to return to the past and undo the future that is Aku!
All of the Bandits bow to Aku.
Aku: Samurai Jack! You thought you defeated me but I'm back!
Bandit: Master you grace us with your presence what can we do for you?
Aku looks and sees all these cloaked men staring at him.
Aku: Nothing!
Aku uses his dark essence to suck the life out of all the Bandits giving him more power. Aku grows bigger bursting through the roof of the temple. Jack gets on his horse and rides up the stairs to the top of the temple.
Aku: You foolish Samurai!
Jack: I will destroy you as I did in days long past!
Aku: So be it Samurai!

 Aku: You foolish Samurai! Jack: I will destroy you as I did in days long past!Aku: So be it Samurai!

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