It's been years since Samurai Jack vanquished the evil Aku. Even with the death of Ashi Jack lives on with more hope of what is to come. In the shadows lurks a new evil that Jack has yet to discover.
"Years have passed, Aku's grasp no longer chokes the past, present, and the future. Through darkness I have found hope" -Samurai Jack Jack has had enough. He has fought battle after battle but the world is still not at peace. After Aku flung Jack into the future he spent 50 years trying to get home. Even with returning to the past a new evil has risen which Jack must defeat. Jack is now riding on his horse towards the temple. This is it the final battle has begun. Whatever happens, Jack is going to bring peace to the world. Jack hears a rustling in the bushes. Jack looks and a large ninja lunges at Jack screaming. Jack takes out his sword and jumps off of his horse. Jack looks at the ninja. Jack runs with his sword out to his side. Jack and the ninja meet as Jack's blade cuts through the large ninja. It begins to rain. Thunder can be heard of in the distance. Jack looks at what appears to be over 100 ninjas charging down the stairway. Jack is ready for the fight. Jack sees Him at the top is the stairwell laughing. About ten ninjas charge at Jack all at once. Jack in his armor takes out his sword and begins cutting down ninja after ninja. Jack tries his best not to kill. Jack sees more ninjas and throws his sword at one of them. Jack jumps and kicks the hilt of the sword making it go through more of the ninjas. Jack sees 50 ninjas running towards him. Jack holds onto his sword as he keeps on slashing through every ninja he fights. Jack is getting tired. There are still so many ninjas. Jack knows he must keep on fighting no matter what happens. Jack will fight until he dies.
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Him looks at Jack and continues to laugh. Jack stares at Him as he climbs up the stairs on top of ninjas that are either wounded or dead. Jack looking at Him cuts through each ninja without even looking at them. Jack continues to stare at Him. Jack makes it to the top. The stairway is covered in blood and bodies. Jack's armor is stained with ninja blood. Jack looks at Him and lunges at Him with his sword. Jack jumps at Him slicing one of Him's arms off. Jack: Not so powerful without your ninjas are you? Him: We will see Samurai Jack. Jack: Your end is now foul demon. Jack with his sword jumps towards Him. Him kicks Jack into a wall of the temple. Jack's armor is cracking. Him forms a blade made of fire. Him's other arm has regenerated. Him throws the fire sword at Jack destroying the front of Jack's armor. Jack now only had his helmet and his cloak. Jack runs at Him. With a swipe of his arm Him flings Jack into a wall again causing the back of Jack's armor to brake and his helmet to fall of. Jack now looks at Him and with his sword Jack destroys Him's flaming sword. Him spits fire breath at Jack. Jack dodges Him's fire breath throwing his sword into Him's mouth. Jack onto the wall and them into Him's mouth pushing the sword down Him's throat. Him: Oh no! Jack bursts out of Him's belly. Jack stares at Him as he evaporates in flames. Jack: My work here is done. Jack walks down the stairs and gets onto his horse awaiting his next adventure. Jack: Maybe the world will finally stay peaceful my good friend. Jack's horse neighs in response to Jack's question. Jack smiles as they ride off in the distance.
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