It's been years since Samurai Jack vanquished the evil Aku. Even with the death of Ashi Jack lives on with more hope of what is to come. In the shadows lurks a new evil that Jack has yet to discover.
"Years have passed, Aku's grasp no longer chokes the past, present, and the future. Through darkness I have found hope" -Samurai Jack Jack wakes up still in his armor. Jack is confused and wondering where he is. Jack sees a bright light and s man standing in front of it. Jack looks at the man it appears to be the Guardian. That doesn't make any sense because he died in the future. Jack also doesn't understand how time travel technology is in the past. Guardian: Hello Samurai Jack Jack: How are you here? Guardian: Like I said Samurai Jack I've been guarding this time portal for eons. I know that I died in the future protecting the time portal. Even with the new timeline you created I still protect this portal. I've always existed Samurai Jack. Jack: What am I doing here? Guardian: I found you beaten at the foot of a tree. Jack: It was Him Guardian. Guardian: I know now that you have destroyed Aku there is a new evil. Jack: I will destroy Him and bring peace to this world. Guardian: Quick Samurai Jack there are ninjas following use here. The Guardian throws Jack an axe to fight with. Ninjas appear everywhere. Guardian: Samurai Jack there are to many of them get on your horse and save yourself. Jack: I'm not leaving you Guardian. Guardian: Samurai Jack you must don't worry I can take care of myself!
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As Jack rides on his horse he hears the sound of a sword swinging and loud screaming from ninjas. A few ninjas follow Jack. Jack swings his axe at a ninja. Jack then throws his axe at a ninja. Three ninjas are left and Jack is ready to fight. Jack uses his fists to fight of the ninjas knocking two of them out. Only two ninjas remain. Jack kicks a ninja in the chest which sends one of them flying. Jack: There is no escape from your destiny Ninja: My Master will destroy you! Jack: Your Master will not destroy me. Jack jumps and round house kicks the ninja in the face snapping his neck. Jack gets on his horse with his armor and shattered sword and rides off.
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