A Good Kind of Weird

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Tyler's eyes fluttered opened and immediately realized he was not in his own bed. The sheets were way too soft and sun was coming in from behind him instead of the front where his window normally was. He inhaled slowly and enjoyed the scent of the pillow. It smelled so clean.

Getting up he still had his his gray basketball shorts on and nothing else. When Tyler went to the dresser he saw clothes and a pair of converse by them with a note that read these are yours if you want them.

Tyler was a little cautious and checked them first, inspecting the pale blue polo shirt and black skinny jeans before slipping them on. A small smirk graced his lips when he saw the boxers that he wouldn't be wearing. Tyler wasn't a big fan of underwear. He pulled his socks on before lacing up the shoes and grabbed his pair of shorts before slowly opening the door. It was very quiet in the hallway as he lightly walked down it, trying not to disturb anyone who wasn't or was awake. Tyler was almost to the door when a loud meow made him jump and back up against the wall with a loud thump.

"Christ." Tyler exhaled, looking at the short haired siamese cat. It had light blue eyes that were slightly crossed adorably.

"Tyler?" A voice called for him across the hall and he immediately placed it with the man from last night. Josh. The name tumbled around in his brain as he swallowed and slowly walked back through the hallway and into a kitchen. There was the bright haired man, leaning against the cabinet and eating cereal in nothing but sweatpants.

"I was about to leave, I didn't want to bother you." Tyler lied as he watched Josh slowly chew at his cereal. Honestly Tyler couldn't care if he bothered him at all, he just wanted to leave. This had never happened before and he mentally scolded himself for letting it. The whole point was that he liked random strangers fucking him outside. Tyler didn't want attachments.

But Josh looked really good standing there with a small smile on those pretty lips.

"You didn't bother me, are you feeling okay?" Josh asked and Tyler nodded slowly. "That's great, are you hungry?"

Tyler was about to object when his stomach betrayed him, letting out a growl.

"I'll take that as a yes then." Josh chuckled to himself as he pulled out another bowl and held it out to Tyler who took it. "You like lucky charms?"

Tyler just nodded again and felt pathetic at his lack of words. "Yes." He said and his voice cracked slightly from not talking. Tyler's face flushed pink from embarrassment. He hated when his voice did that, it made him sound anxious when in reality he just hadn't cleared his throat to talk.

Josh just hummed softly as he poured cereal into the bowl in Tyler's hands and pointed at the chair at the island. The brunette slid into the chair and Josh handed him the carton of milk, watching him pour it before taking it back and putting it in the fridge.

A soft clatter sounded beside him as he saw a spoon. Tyler picked it up and took a bite, freezing when he noticed Josh was still watching him.

"Okay this is just weird." Tyler admitted still eating at his cereal.
Josh laughed a bit.

"Why is it weird?" The bright haired man said still smiling.

"Nobody's done this for me before. It's not really in the, I don't know, description." Tyler said and Josh's eyebrows furrowed.

"You mean you would have preferred me to walk away and leave you there until you could move and go home?" Josh asked confused and Tyler thought about it.

"I mean, no but that's how it usually goes." Tyler said and a flicker of emotion passed through Josh's eyes, but he couldn't place which one.

"So you like being used like that?" Josh asked a slight more serious tone on his voice.

"I like sex with strangers where there's a risk. I know it's not healthy but frankly I don't give a damn what you think." Tyler scoffed putting down his spoon and sliding off the chair before beginning to walk to the door.

"I'm sorry Tyler, I know I don't know you that well but it just....it worries me." Josh said and Tyler turned slowly towards him, staring at his face.

"Yeah it worries me too." Tyler mumbled. There was a small silence before Tyler heard a rattle of keys.

"Let me take you home." Josh said grabbed his hoodie and slipping it on along with a pair of sandals.

"That's really not necessary." Tyler said beginning to open the door but Josh glared at him causing him to close the door again.

"Tyler please I'll be out of your hair after this." Josh grumbled and walked over to him before opening the door and walking out. Tyler sighed and followed.

Tyler was now slightly grateful that Josh had volunteered to drive him home because as soon as he stepped foot outside he realized he was on the opposite side of town, and he had no money on him. The houses were nice and the lawns were green. It was a nice neighborhood. He turned and glanced at Josh's large house before following the yellow haired man to the same car from last night, this time getting in the passenger seat.

The car ride was very quiet and Tyler's stomach twisted in knots the closer the got to his small ratty apartment. It was on the simpler side of town, where graffiti graced the bridges and brick buildings.

"Turn here then stop at the building on your left." Tyler said softly and didn't bother looking up when he felt the car stop. He hated this.

"You gonna be okay Tyler?" Josh asked, looking around at the environment.

"Yeah I'll be fine. Thanks for the ride." Tyler said and before he could open the door he felt a soft pair of lips press against his cheek. His stomach erupted in butterflies. "Thanks." He whispered before getting out and walking to the building, opening up the door. Tyler noticed Josh's car didn't move until he was safely inside.

Tyler walked inside the apartment building and went in the elevator, getting out at the fifth floor. He stopped at his door and opened his small metal mailbox, pulling the key out and opening the door.

"Where the FUCK have you been?" Tyler heard as soon as he stepped inside his messy apartment.

a/n: I actually don't like lucky charms 😬

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