Give Me Peace Rolled in Paper

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"Shut up Brendon I'm fine." Tyler scoffed and closed the door. Brendon was his roommate who was the only one he associated with who knew of his activities.

"Was it good?" Brendon smiled looking over the couch where he was watching TV.

Tyler stopped and thought about it, not really one for mulling over the strangers that fucked him.

But as soon as Brendon made him think about it he couldn't stop thinking about it.

"It was amazing." Tyler said before he realized he had said it.

"You don't have any marks on you do you?" Brendon said getting up and crossing over to Tyler, holding up his chin and lifting up his shirt.

Tyler smacked his arm. "I'm fine forehead, he didn't hit me. That only happened once anyways." He sighed.

"Can't be too careful." Brendon said  and walked back over to the couch. "Are you never scared at what might happen when the wrong person catches you?"

Tyler sighed. "I mean kinda? That's what the turn on is man, you don't know what you're getting."

"Crazy fucker." Brendon just smirked before taking a swig of his beer on the scraped up coffee table. "Oh yeah I forgot, want to deliver something for me?"

Tyler sighed and rolled his eyes. "Is it close?"

"Wouldn't have asked you if it wasn't. Walking distance." Brendon said motioning Tyler to come over closer before tossing him a bag of weed. "I sent the address to your phone."

Tyler sighed shoving the small baggy into an empty pill bottle before putting it into his pocket, grabbing his phone off the counter.

"You get into any trouble just call, you don't even have to talk on the other end I'll come get ya." Brendon said and Tyler nodded. It had never come to that since they just sold weed to help pay the bills from time to time, but Brendon was always overly cautious. Better safe than sorry he'd say.

Tyler exited his apartment and walked down the streets that were slowly darkening along with the sky. He hadn't realized how late it was or he would have told Brendon to do it himself.

Tyler looked up from his phone when it showed his destination becoming closer. His phone buzzed.

Here's what she looks like, she's a regular so you shouldn't be too scared.

Tyler smirked at the text before looking at the photo of the girl with almost white hair and pale skin. He recognized her vaguely cause she sometimes stopped by and smoked with Brendon.

He stopped when his phone let out a small beep, letting him know he had reached his location. It was a bus stop and an old bench. Knowing the drill he sat down for a few minutes before feeling the bench creek beside him.

"Hey." Said a feminine voice and Tyler saw the girl from the photo.

"Hey. Hayley right?" Tyler said as he saw her pull out a few twenties from her wallet.

"Yup. Tell Brendon I said hi." Hayley said and gave a small smile. Tyler didn't remember her looking so sad, or as pale. Maybe it was the hair color change. It had been a bright orange.

And of course as soon as he thought of bright hair his mind wandered to Josh. Tyler shook his head and made the exchange after counting her money. After Hayley left the location he just said there for a while, thinking. Why couldn't he get Josh out of his mind?


Josh petted his cat Poppy while sitting on the sofa, eating Chinese take out. His nights were usually very boring when he was off work and he hated them. Josh co-owned the hair dye company next door with his friend Hayley so he parked in that parking deck a lot.

What he didn't tell Tyler was that he'd seen him before but he never dared approach him because up until a few days ago, he had been in an relationship. The break up wasn't a messy one, both parties had agreed that the feelings just weren't mutual anymore. Josh would be lying if he said it didn't hurt a little though. He missed what they had. So last night he finally approached Tyler and he began wondering if it had been a bad idea since he wasn't emotionally stable.

His thoughts were stopped when he heard the doorbell ring. Moving his kitty off his lap he went to the door and opened it.

"I brought breakup medicine." Hayley said smiling on the other side of the door. She had a bottle of wine with her and Josh could see the telltale pill bottle in her pocket.

"Hayley I told you I'm fine." Josh said but let her in anyways. She went to the kitchen and pulled out two wine glasses, giving Josh a glance over as he walked into the kitchen.

"Who'd you fuck last night?" Hayley teased and Josh shot her glare.

"It was nobody just somebody to get the tension off, how did you know anyways?" Josh sighed sitting on the seat as she placed the wine glass in front of him.

"Cause you're still in daddy dom mode I can tell." Hayley said shrugging and sipping the wine in her glass.

"I wish you didn't know me so well." Josh grumbled and chugged his glass of wine. "Can we smoke now so I can get some peace?"

"Sure sure." Hayley said pulling out the bottle filled with the green plant. Josh opened the drawer beside him and slid her a grinder as he went to his room to find the bong.

"Dude okay no but seriously I should probably get tested." Josh said sighing as him and Hayley ended up curled up on the couch with a bag of cheese puffs while watching cartoons.

"You used a condom right?" Hayley muttered against his shoulder sleepily.

"Yeah but we kissed." Josh said and she sighed.

"C'mere." Hayley said pulling Josh's face towards hers. "Open."

Josh complied and he opened his mouth letting Hayley use her phone flashlight to inspect his mouth.

"I don't see anything suspicious looking." Hayley said before putting her phone down and resting her head back on Josh's shoulder.

"Thanks Dr. Hayley." Josh chuckled and she laughed a bit. "How've you been holding up?" He asked.

Hayley had been recently diagnosed with depression, and Josh had been helping her through it. Because he was a daddy dom, he helped remind her to take her pills or just shower that day.

"I'm doing alright. I took my pills today." Hayley smiled and he hugged her lightly.

"That's a good girl." Josh praised her encouragingly and she smiled.

"Can I crash here for tonight? I'm kinda tired." Hayley yawned and Josh got up from the couch.

"Sure hang on let me just change the sheets." Josh said and she made a face.

"I can't believe you just had sex with a stranger, that's so unlike you. Make sure the sheets are extra clean." Hayley said and Josh laughed to himself.

"Sure sure." He said began changing the sheets in the spare room that Tyler had slept in. Josh didn't have the courage to tell Hayley that they had sex outside in a parking deck at three in the morning, and only that. He had told her he picked up some guy at the bar. As he bundled the used sheets he stopped and then slowly brought them to his nose, sniffing a bit. They smelled like Tyler.

"What the fuck am I doing." Josh mumbled to himself before tossing them into the hamper and quickly making the bed for Hayley.

a/n: I wanna wrap Hayley up in a giant warm blanket and tell her everything's gonna be okay

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