So Not a Date?

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a/n: I'll start putting gifs back when I have wifi. My data is a bitch.

Tyler sat in the waiting room and yawned, listening for his name to be called. He always went to the doctor after his hookups. Tyler might have been crazy but he wasn't stupid.

Suddenly out of the corner of his eye he saw bright yellow hair coming out of the doctors office and back in the lobby. Tyler wished he could scrunch up and disappear.

"Tyler?" An amused voice said and the brunette had no choice but to look up.

"I take it you're here for the same reasons." Tyler sighed before getting up. "Were you clean?" He asked.

"Yeah I was clean. Kind of surprised no offense." Josh said looking Tyler up and down. The brunette scoffed but smiled slightly before walking out of the doctor's office. Since Josh was clean he knew he was. Tyler got outside and heard footsteps behind him. He gave in shortly and turned around.

Josh jingled his keys in his hands and Tyler sighed looking up the street before hanging his head and walking towards Josh's car.

"You don't have to look so upset about getting a ride." Josh said revving the engine and pulling out of the parking lot. Tyler just stared out the window and didn't say anything. "I want to take you somewhere."

Tyler's attention was caught as he looked at Josh. "What like a date?" He smirked.

Josh rolled his eyes and gripped the steering wheel. "Not if you don't want it to be."

"Good cause what happened was a one time thing. You're not a stranger anymore so it's boring." Tyler shrugged and looked back out the window.

"So if I'm not a stranger what am I?" Josh asked.

"An acquaintance who keeps showing up conveniently." Tyler said a small smirk still playing on his face.

"I think that's called a friend." Josh said.

"Maybe." Tyler said already regretting giving Josh hope of being friends. The car stopped outside of an Olive Garden. "I thought I said no dates."

"Are you hungry?" Josh asked.


"Then we're just friends eating out somewhere." Josh said getting out of the car. Tyler rolled his eyes but smiled, getting out of the car.

They went in and were seated in a comfy booth, which Tyler mentally squealed at. Booths were so much comfier than chairs.

"Why are you so nice to me?" Tyler asked as Josh eyebrows knitted together in confusion as they slid into the booth, one sitting opposite of the other.

"I can't be nice to a potential friend?" Josh said while scanning the menu.

"Yeah a friend who you fucked the shit out of a few nights ago." Tyler said and Josh smirked, his eyelashes fluttering as he looked up at Tyler from the menu.

"So I fucked the shit out of you?" Josh said leaning back in the seat and crossing his arms with the same damn smirk plastered across this face.

Tyler's face heated up and he scoffed before taking a big sip of his drink. "That's not the point."

"Do you get hard just thinking about it again?" Josh suddenly whispered seductively, his voice dropping an octave so he wouldn't be heard. "Your back scraping against that concrete wall, my nails digging into your hips as you just completely lose it."

Tyler's breath caught in his throat when Josh said that, feeling a tightening in his jeans. He immediately regretted not wearing underwear. Tyler didn't know how to feel. He'd come across people he'd had random sex with again and none of them could pull the reaction the yellow haired man was pulling from him now.

Tyler could hear the waiter beside him but was incapable of answering any questions. His mind was swimming with emotions.

"You alright?" Josh said calmly taking his hand across the table. Tyler glanced at it and wanted to pull his hand away.

But he didn't.

Instead he found comfort in the way Josh's fingers caressed his, or the way he'd look at him with such concern it almost hurt.

Tyler cleared his throat. "I'm fine." He said and for the first time he felt like he was telling the truth when he said those words. Josh holding his hand made him feel fine. Maybe even more than fine.

Josh eventually had to pull his hand away when their food arrived. Tyler eyed the fettuccine alfredo in front of him before slowly digging in. They ate in calm silence, Tyler feeling Josh's hand rest on top his again while they ate. He smiled at that. After they were done Josh paid before Tyler could even scrounge in his pocket for extra change.

"Thanks." Tyler said softly as he got back in the car.

"For what?" Josh asked and looked at Tyler.

"For being a good friend." Tyler said and glanced up at Josh. Suddenly Tyler felt his body leaning forward, and eventually his lips pressed agains Josh's. The kiss wasn't sexual, just soft lips gently pressing together before pulling away.

"I don't think I've ever kissed someone like that before." Tyler said after they pulled away.

"So still not a date right?" Josh grinned at him.

"Okay maybe kind of a date." Tyler said and felt his heart thump nervously against his chest.

Josh dropped Tyler off again and this time the brunette gave a small wave before going inside. He felt warm in his chest, and he wasn't opposed to the feeling.

"Hey what's up?" Brendon said as Tyler walked in. Sara, his girlfriend, was on the couch with him smoking a joint as they played video games.

"I think I like someone." Tyler said suddenly and Brendon jumped over the couch scrambling to get in front of him.

"Who is it?" Brendon asked excitedly, almost like a high school girl.

"You don't know him." Tyler said. "I kind of went on a date with him though." He said.

Brendon picked Tyler up and swung him around happily. The thing was, Tyler hadn't been on an actual date since ninth grade. After he dated a scumbag Tyler vowed off relationships, just wanting to have sex with no attachments. For some reason though Josh was different. He couldn't put up that wall around Josh that he normally did.

"I'm so proud of you little bean." Brendon smiled and ruffled his hair.

"Shut up forehead you're high." Tyler said with false seriousness and smiled.

"Congratulations Tyler I know getting back out there is hard." Sara piped up from the couch and giving a small smile.

"Thanks Sara." Tyler smiled back and went to the couch, picking up a cookie from the pack open on the table.

"Hey cookies for munchies only." Brendon said smacking Tyler's hand who had already shoved the Oreo in his mouth.

"wanf if baf?" Tyler asked mouth full and opening his mouth to reveal a gross Oreo mixture.

Sara squealed an "ew" and Brendon just shook his head and Tyler smiled eating his Oreo triumphantly.

"Hey what time is it?" Tyler asked and Brendon checked his phone.

"Half past two. You going out?" Brendon said giving him a knowing look.

"I think I will." Tyler said going to the door waving before exiting the apartment hearing a faint "be careful" yelled out behind him.

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