Welcome Home

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Tyler walked into Joshua's house, feeling uncertain but then again when was he ever certain about anything?

"You okay?" Josh asked for the thousandth time as he took on of the suitcases from Tyler's hand.

"I-I'm fine. Just thinkin'" Tyler said and Josh went to the put suitcases in the bedroom.

"I hope you're thinking of something good." Josh smiled as he came back into the living room.

"Just thinking about you." Tyler said and Josh grinned wider, a small blush gracing his cheeks.

"Well I got all your bags." Josh said as he and Tyler just stood in the middle of the living room. "Are you gonna be okay? Moving in like this?" He asked.

"I'm not gonna run away from you this time." Tyler said and smiled sadly. "I'm sorry."

"Hey don't be." Josh said going over to the brunette and kissing his forehead lightly. "Are you hungry? I can make something."

"Mmm yes that sounds wonderful." Tyler said and grinned.

"Great whatcha want?" Josh said as he went to the kitchen, Tyler following him.

"Stir fry. With chicken." Tyler said and Josh began pulling the ingredients from the fridge.

"Wanna help me?" Josh said as he noticed Tyler following him around like a puppy. The brunette nodded and Josh let him cook the rice, feeling uncomfortable with the brunette handling a knife. He just got out of the hospital, he didn't want him slicing his hand open the first day back home.

Home. Was this really going to be Tyler's new home?

"Hey baby?" Josh said and heard Tyler hum in response. He was stirring the rice on the stove. "You really want to stay here?"

"Yes Josh." Tyler said and nodded slowly. "I'm positive. Unless you want me to move back in with Brendon."

"No, definitely no." Josh said remembering  that he didn't even have a shower at his apartment.

"I like it here." Tyler said quietly and Josh smiled a bit.

They finished up cooking, Josh plating the food before setting the steaming plate of chicken stir fry in front of Tyler who was sitting patiently at the island in the kitchen.

Tyler took a bite and moaned loudly as he ate, causing a small smirk from the bright haired man sitting beside him.

"Fuck this is good." Tyler said as he ate, licking his fingers and the fork clean.

"Language." Josh said and Tyler turned to look at him before licking his finger again and moaning. "Tyler."

"What?" He said and did it again after a few beats, causing Josh to sigh as he put the plates up.

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