Whole Foods

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*Mac P.O.V

I calmed Ari down and pushed her to come get food from Whole Foods with me. She came reluctantly, but I knew she wasn't going to say at home by herself. I take her small hand and drag her to the car.

"Ari, Ariana! Come on lets go" I turn back to face her but she has already sunk to the ground by the door. I sigh and smile as she looks up to me with puppy eyes. Her legs folded up to her chest and arms around them, compacted into a little ball of adorableness. She's so tiny, If anyone ever tries to hurt her that person will never see the light of day again. 

"I'm driving babe, all you have to is get in the car, okay?" I crossed my arms.

"I'm not hungry, that's all. Can't we just go back inside and we can watch the OA or something?" She says to me weakly.

"You haven't eaten all day, Ari, I don't want you to starve yourself", I reply "So either you get in the car or I'll make you".

"Make me?" She laughs, "You can't make me".

"Really?" I raise my eyebrows. I crouch down, throw her over my back and walk to the car.

"LET ME GO MALCOLM  MCCORMICK!!" Ariana screams and laughs hitting my back. I keep walking towards the range rover, ignoring her protests and put her in the front seat, buckling her up. I walk to the other side of the car and start the engine. 

"You could of just told me to get in the car Mac" Ari smirks while looking at the dashboard.

"You are so hilarious" I roll my eyes and drive off towards Whole Foods. I get concerned a lot about Ariana, I mean, when she loves someone or something, she is devoted it forever. Like music or...me. She'll stay in the studio for days on end without doing anything else, she likes to get every word, every note perfect till she feels satisfied. But thats where I get worried, when she's with me, she knows we don't have all the time in world together so she'll make sure that she savors every second, which means she won't eat or drink. The least I can hope is that her team will notice her habits on tour and help her once I'm not there.

I park near the side of the store so no one will notice us, then I jump out the car and walk towards the automatic door. I stop suddenly, and turn around. Ari is sitting in the front seat biting her lip, what is she so nervous about? I pry her out of the chair and we walk hand in hand to the white lights. 

"So, what do you want to eat for dinner?" I say as we walk slowly to the food isles. 

"Um, uh" Ari looks apprehensively at the packaged foods, "Nothing"

"Come on, let's go to the that isle" I gesture and pull her along. I can't help realize but she seems so distracted, Ari keeps looking around her, like shes's scared of something. I pick out a squash, some seaweed, a few sweet potatoes and an avocado.  Ariana follows me around the store holding onto my arm and I kiss her cheek.

"Do you want coconut water or should I make you a smoothie? With, with some fruit or somethi-" I feel a urgent tug on my sleeves.

"What, you don't want either? Or" I turn around.



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