Blank Shot

503 10 7

Ari P.O.V.

Continuous beeps fill the room and my head starts to throb. I wiggle my toes and stretch my hands out to grasp anything, feeling the wrinkles in the bed sheets. Opening my eyes, I squint. The white rays of light pinch my nerves, but I readjust and push my back weakly off the bed. I groan as pain shoots through my arms and up my legs like concrete in my blood and nails in my veins. I grit my teeth and rip the IV out of my wrist aggressively which then knocks the pole over. The metal wires and pieces rattle on the speckled marble floor. The feeling of an unknown liquid pumping into my body makes me uneasy and nauseous.  A blaring alarm sets off and I panic and jump off the bed, despite the pains in my legs. The thin blue hospital dress whips at the back like an untamed horse as I run hastily towards the double-doors. I have faith until I spot the handles twisting, the blurry faces behind the window slits, shouting muffled by the walls. 

Two doctors charge towards me followed by a group of security men. I think quick and try to duck to the side of them before one of the doctors lunge out and grab me by my waist, pulling me to his chest. I squirm and scratch and hit and scream. I use all my anger to get him to release me but no matter how hard I resist, her holds me in a tight grip. 

"AARRGHHHH!!" I scream in frustration, "JUST LET ME GO, I NEED TO SEE MALCOLM". I kick my legs repetitively until the other doctor grabs my legs. They pin me onto the hospital bed and I stop struggling. 

"LET GO OF ME, I'LL STOP, I'll stop" I surrender helplessly. My vision glazes over and heat rises to my forehead. 

                                                                                   -   Blank. Shot.   -   

Heat, it rises to my body. My heart shakes under my chest, petrified of what he'll do next. He drags me into the house. 

"You fucking little bitch, don't think you can just go around kissing any guy you like, because you know what? You. Fucking. Can't." He threatened be, standing from above me.

"I-it was all directed Jai, you know it was just for the video" I stutter, trying to keep my composure though I only became more and more terrified.  I push my knees up to my chest and slowly stand up. 

"Jai-babe, you know I love you. I have feelings for you and only you, just please, please calm down. Mac-he was just acting, so was I." I smile weakly. Jai ruffles his hair and scoffs and shakes his head.

"You expect me to believe this shit? DO YOU!" He strides forwards and pins my arms hard beside me.

"B-believe? What do you mean? Ask Jones or Isaac, they were there I'm not lying Jai!" I retort. 

"You think you can outsmart me, with your lies. Not this time" Jai breathes on me, the distinct smell of wine.He throws me onto the floor with ease and my heads slams against the marble. He wastes no time, advancing onto me; repetitively punching my face, kicking me in the ribs until my stomach is painted with the colours of a galaxy.
Blue. Purple. Black.

                  -   Blank. Shot.   -  

Blue. Purple. Black.

That's all I see in the mirror, my eyes, my arms, my body. I feel broken. As I'm about to close my eyes, I see him, standing by the door frame. 

"Ariana I'm sorry. It's because of your mom, I thought she was cheating-you know how it is, I freaked. Ariana please look at me. Ari, it's your father, Captain Eddie, you know I love you. Sweetie please answer me" He looks at me with all sad smile, trying to divert his eyes from the damage he caused.

"Mom, you're trying to blame this on mom? What the hell Ed. You're trying to blame your actions on someone else, news flash, that's not how it works. You did this to me. Your a apology is nothing to me. Just as you are" I stare him dead in the face.

A Blank Shot.

He doesn't follow.

#authors note
-Sorry I haven't been updating as fast now I just have sm school work, I'll try my best to be faster tho. <3

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