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Mac P.O.V*

I dive into the crowd of paparazzi after hearing Ariana's screams and calls. I land in the middle of the small area of space and collect myself only to see Ariana lying helplessly on the supermarket floor. Her complexion is terribly pale and her lips are blue. The paps are speechless.

"Fucking hell-ARI ARIANA CAN YOU HEAR ME BABY?!?" I kneel down and shake her body. I wipe my forehead, my hands are shaking I'm so nervous. I look around to see the paps just standing there, motionless. I turn back to Ariana and try to feel her pulse. It's still there, but barely. How is this possible? My brain is boggled, all I did was come back and now she's nearly dead.

"WHY ARE YOU JUST STANDING THERE?!? CALL THE POLICE DAMMIT!" I shout to them in panic. One of them hastily retrieve their phone from their pockets and I grit my teeth.

"Ari-Ariana, baby, stay with me" I push her hair back from her forehead, "Keep holding on okay? I know you can, I know you're strong. Please." Hope crumbles when I stroke her arm but all I feel is cold. Her arm is freezing, I feel her body and it's chilled to the to touch. What the hell? She was fine a second ago...

"Hey-hey what's wrong? I'm a doctor"

A man crouches down beside Ariana, puts down his shopping and feels her wrist.

"Holy-there's barely anything here" His eyes widen and he looks to me, worried, "What happened?"

"I-I, I don't know she fainted, I think. She's my girlfriend, I can't loose her, i just can't."

"Calm down son, does she have any medical conditions?"

"Uh-um yes, she has hypoglycemia"

"And do you recall her consuming anything in the last 12 hours?"

"Shit. No she hasn't"I bring my hands to my head and breathe heavier. I hear the ambulance sirens in the distance and scoop Ariana into my arms.

"Thanks for your help man, I have to go" I nod nervously at the doctor and sprint to the automatic doors. Frantically, I skid out of the doors and spot the ambulance by the entrance. I charge towards the open doors of the yellow vehicle and hand Ariana's small body to one of the paramedics near me.

"Please help her, I don't think she's breathing" I stutter.

"We'll do what we can, I just need you to stay calm. Are you her boyfriend?"

"Yeah, yes I am" I reply. We all jump in the truck and speed off towards the hospital. The man starts to attach cables and plugs to Ariana's arms and legs and places a mask on her nose and mouth. I can't watch because she looks so frail, almost like she was on the verge of, of dying. I kneel down and put my head in my hands. I don't know what I'll do if I loose her.

"WE'RE HERE, DOCTOR REYNOLDS SAYS ENTER THROUGH DOOR G5" The driver shouts to us. The paramedic pushes the ambulances doors open and him and another man carries the stretcher Ariana is lying in and runs hastily into the hospital building. I follow them through up the elevator, through the long white corridors. I smell the distinct smell of anti-bacterial and hear the crying mothers and see prisoners, locked up in cages. Deprived of life itself. Hooked up to liquids that look unnormal, inhumane. This isn't a way to live, I feel like gagging and keep following the men till we arrive at an emergency room. Beeping lights and frantic doctors.

They're here for Ariana. I run towards the double doors that they just went through but a man holds me back.

"Sorry sir, you'll have to wait. The doctors in there said no one could come in."

"But I'm her boyfriend, I have to-I need to." I beg.

"Sorry, we just can't let you in, you'll have to wait, please have a seat." He assures me. I sit on one of the cold grey chairs they have distributed around the hospital.

"This can't be real, it can't be, can't be" I mumble to myself, shaking my head. This was too quick, too sudden and unreal. I shivered, thinking there was a possibility she wasn't okay.

She had to be though.

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