Lies in his Eyes

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Mac P.O.V.

"Morning babe" I roll over and whisper into Ari's ear. I stroke her thigh and rest my hand on her stomach.


"I'm here Ari" I smile as I hear her small voice. My hands slide down to her hips and I pull her onto my lap, pressing kisses up and down her neck.

"Well somebody's definitely awake this morning" she giggles and lays her head in the crook of my neck. Her hair is ruffled and her pj shorts are riding up...I restrain my self from looking and pull them back down. Good self control Mac.

"What are you doing?" she jerks up from my arms in suspicion. 

"Wha-oh nothing you were just a little..." I laugh nervously, "A little tangled, that's all"

Ariana smirks and replies with a eskimo kiss, "You sneaky"

She smooths her hands up my chest and holds my shoulders as she straddles my legs. 

"You are so beautiful baby", I sigh

She rolls her eyes and leans in for a kiss-


"What the hel-", she pulls away from my lips.


"Who the fuck is texting you at 6am babu", Ari furrows her eyebrows and reaches over me to grab my phone. My heart nearly falls outta my body. I throw Ariana back onto the bed and slide my phone out the bedroom door.

"Mac! What's wrong with you?", she exclaims exasperatedly. 

"Babe, babe let's have a chill morning okay? No distractions..." I rock my head from side to side, "just you n me"

"Then who was that, and-and why were they so urgent huh?" Ari questions me as she starts to get flustered. I pick her up off the bed and hold her in my arms, her small frame relaxes into my embrace.


Her legs dangle as I carry her; an arm under her butt and another supporting her back. 

Ari P.O.V.

His heart beating against mine, is so warm. Though, it's not warm because of me. My skin prickles; goosebumps, I'm freezing. 

"Mac, let me down" I pat his chest.

"Mac. Mac put me down please!" I demand, squirming and kicking my legs in the air.  

"Okay okay!" He says as he eases me onto the ground, "What's up Ari? Frustrated?"

"Doesn't matter, I'm hungryyy" I groan, ignoring is question and pulling him along behind me. We walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. I pull open the fridge and scan the shelves for something to eat. Spotting some fruit and honey, I grab them and place them on the counter. 

"Gonna help Mr Lazy?" I giggle as Mac slouches on the island counter stools. He sticks his tongue out in response and I carry on picking ingredients. I spot a packet of oatmeal on one of the top shelves.

"Come on, you can do this" I say to myself. I heave myself onto the counter and reach precariously towards the cupboards. My heart is relieved for a second as I grasp the plastic packet before my knee slips on the marble surface-

"MAC" I shriek covering my head, waiting for my head to come in contact with the hard ground. Instead I fall into the hands...of him. 

"Gotchu baby" Mac chuckles holding me in his arms. 

"Thanks Mac" I say relived.

"Brrrr it's suddenly so cold in here" I comment, warming my arms. Mac lets me down and pecks me on the cheek.

"I'll sprint upstairs and get a hoodie for you babe" he smiles.

"Thank you Malcolm" 

I begin to start making breakfast when a series of buzzes come out from Mac's phone. It's probably just Karen or his manager, so I walk over to the lounge and pluck his phone from the ground.

*NEW MESSAGE*    From: B

thurs night was fun. almost wanna do it again ;) if ur up to it?

I stand still, astonished and confused. Who is this?

"I didn't know which one you wanted so I grabbed one of mine" Mac says as he walks down the set of stairs. I drop the phone, startled and look towards him. Slipping the fluffy material over my head he grins at me, then grows increasingly worried.


I stand there clueless, who the heck could that be? Definitely not one of Mac's friends. I need to stop being paranoid, it's probably just someone he met. He's a rapper, that's nothing I wouldn't expect. But...I'm not sure, how could I be?

"Ari!" Mac shouts, snapping me from my daze, "You okay? You look a bit pale" he says concerned, cupping my cheek.

"I'm fine, I'm good now thanks to you"

"Didn't make a lotta' progress on breakfast?" he says, peeking into the kitchen

"sorry, I'm not really up to it..."

"That's all good, lets go out to eat yeah?"

"Uhuh sure, where do you wanna go?"

"Not sure, we can choose on the way so go get changed!" he says, already dressed in black Vans and Lees, a white snap-back and a faded maroon sweatshirt.

"Okay babu" I start to run up the stairs and he slaps my butt playfully, "Mac! You cheeky"

I skip into our bedroom and start rummaging through my closet. I pick out a pair of skinny white-washed blue jeans and pair it with a white bandeau lined with lace on the bottom of it. I then grab a thin, creme coloured jacket and a pair of silver aviator sunglasses.

I slip on the clothing items I picked out and stand in front of the mirror. Perfect, I sigh to myself as I adjust the hem of my jeans. 


"YEAH" I scream back in response.



I slip on a pair of immaculately white lo-tops of converse. Hastily I seize my phone from Mac's bedside table and pad softly down the stairs. Mac whistles at me from across the room; leaning against the couch. His eyes widen and he smiles endearingly up at me.

"You're an angel, Ariana Grande"

"You're my prince, and that matters more"

His smile, faltered. Like he didn't know whether to frown or be happy.  

His eyes were green, glimmering in the natural light. A green that flowed with the wind, a sense of relief. A spring day flourishing in his irises, a day I didn't want to disturb; just to observe, just to admire.

He was one and only. That was true on my sense, but maybe not on his. A fleck of deceit. He was reserved, to another.  A different name card on a table for two. I hadn't seen it before, because I had been denying  it. 

'She' wasn't me anymore, it was 'Her'  

Maybe this false hope was just to have the assurance that someone really loved me, truly. Even if it wasn't true. 

"Shall we go to breakfast?" he says to me, holding out his hand. I smile and let him pull me along, pushing away the thought he might rather want to be holding someone else.


Hey! Please remember to vote and comment for more chapters! More coming soon (I promise)

Thank you xx

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