Bloody Guilty

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"Hell" I cuss under my breath and burst out of the club with Clock and Quentin. I know Ariana, I know she destroys herself when we have fights, she can't take the distance between us so she blames herself for everything. I can't believe I left her by herself.

We speed to her address, Clock stops in the middle of the street and I sprint out towards the house. It's abnormally quiet. I hear no noise except for the padding of my boots as I run. The silence starts to make me more uneasy as I step into the house.

"Ari? Ariana? I'm here, it's Mac" My voice echos through the house. I walk slowly pass the living room and into the kitchen.

"M-mac, here. I'm here" A small voice says behind me. I swivel around, my Timberland's squeaking on the marble floor. I see her; lying helplessly on the ground, her body sprawled across the white carpet. Broken shards of porcelain sprinkled all around her, her arms and legs are bloodied. Shocked, I slide onto the floor and pull her into my arms. Her cheeks are red from crying.

"Ari" I gasp, "I need to get you to a hospital, now!"I go to pick her up off the ground.

"Stop, Mac. Wait. It's really not that big a deal, the cuts aren't really bad anyways. I need to talk to you, that's more important" Ari holds out her hands in protest.

"What are you thinking? Come on, lets go-"

"Please" she pleads me with hurt in her eyes, "Please Mac"

"O-okay, okay" I give in, " But...what happened? Ari? What did you do?"

"I-I, I don't k-know, I was...angry at myself. I shouldn't have kicked you out of the house. Your addiction isn't just a silly habit that you can get rid off and I should know that. I missed you too much" Ariana says weakly and whimpers as she raises her hand to my cheek.

"It's not your fault Ari"

"I've been a mess these past days. I can't get a grip on my emotions" she chokes on her tears, "I'm supposed to be strong, a-a role model for girls but, I'm still just learning myself"

"'re doing fine, trust me and don't worry about me. I'm just so thankful you're not dea-hurt, I'm thankful you're not hurt" I smile back at her. Ariana bites her lip and looks away from me.

"You didn't seem to think I existed these past few days, so would you even care if I died?" she replies softly. I pause and stutter on my words, overwhelmed by her question.

"A-ari, don't say things like that, of course I would"

She doesn't respond but looks expressionless out the window.

"You know love you Ari" I say, kissing her forehead. We sit there for a few minutes, still until she holds my hand.

"I'm sorry, that I said that stuff. I don't know what came over me, I was just scared of...losing you"

"I'm right here babe"

Ari P.O.V.

I was relieved he came to see me, to be honest I didn't think he would. We cuddled together for what seemed like forever, I really needed it though, his company. But, I hadn't been able to relax into his arms like I used to, he hugged me without feeling anything, he was...different. Maybe it was just me, maybe we needed time to become comfortable after the fight, relationships aren't always smooth I had to remember.

He carries me to the upstairs bathroom, his hands under my back and legs, and places me on the bench of the sink. I swing my feet back and forth as he gathers plasters, tape, scissors and whatever would help cover and protect my cuts.

His hands are gentle, padding washcloths on my legs to get rid of the blood. I wince and try to jerk my leg away from his grasp as he applies anti-bacterial products on the wounds.

"O-ouch Mac it stings" I say trying to get him to stop. He strokes the back of my legs and looks me in the eyes.

"Babe, I know it does, I just don't want it getting infected, okay?"

"Okay" I smile sheepishly at him, I know he's doing what's best for me. He finishes cleaning the cuts and smooths plasters onto my legs and arms.

"All better" Mac smiles and places his hands on my hips, "Now promise me you'll never do somethin' like that again?"

"I Promise" I can't help but sneak a smile and peck him on the lips. With his calloused hands still resting on my sides, he lifts me off the counter top and I wrap my legs around his waist. We travel to our bedroom and he switches on Netflix for us to watch with me still in his arms.

"What do you wanna watch boo?"he asks, shifting me onto my back so my head rests on his chest.

"Well um, maybe the OA again or how about..." I trail off as I realize his lips are swollen pink. Weird. I know that ain't from drinking cherry pop. Oh what the hell, I trace my fingers over his neck and fall into his arms, confused. 

"How about what Ari? You sorta didn't finish your sentence there" he chuckles.


"Yeah babu?"

"You'd never lie to me, would you?"

"Never Ari. I don't know why you're becoming so paranoid, you're safe with me"

"Mmhm, I love you"

"I love you too boo" Mac says, trailing kisses up my neck, as I stare at the fuzzy TV screen.


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