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Luke, Algee, Keith, and Woody tip toed across the dark alley trying to get to the truck that was soon to unload in a few hours. The goal was to get at least steal around $150 million worth of drugs for each guy. The group had commenced acts like this pretty often, they were known as 'The Bandits'.

Luke stopped and held his hand up, causing the rest to halt. He pointed over to guards dogs patrolling around the truck. Algee looked inside of the duffle bag and handed Luke two steaks. Luke whistled to gain their attention, once they looked over at him he tossed the steaks far away from the truck. The dogs ran after the meat giving the guys a chance to sneak over to truck.

Woody stepped in front of the padlock on metal door and pulled out a lock pick. After playing around with the lock it popped open, Woody tossed it to the side pushed the door up. All the guys saw were crates that they knew were filled with top of the line drugs. "Alright boys," Luke started . "We get enough of these crates and we'll be set for life, or for at least a while." The guys started unloading boxes putting them in the wagon that was conveniently placed there.

Apparently Luke didn't give the dogs enough to keep them quiet because they started barking and running back over to the truck. 'Shit' Luke cursed. The boys started passing crates fast before they could get caught. "Aye!" A guard yelled running out of the back door with two more larger guards behind him. Woody grabbed the handle of the wagon and started running with Luke behind him. Algee and Keith hopped off the back of the truck and started running too.

After many twist and turns trying to shake the guards Keith tripped over a pile of soggy boxes. Since he was behind the group no one saw him fall and kept running. Keith groaned and stood up, right before he could start running again he felt a hand on his shoulder spinning him around. It was one of the guards. "Lights out." He said before punching Keith in the face, knocking him unconscious.


When Keith came to he tied up to a chair in a pitch black room. He started moving around the chair and ended up tipping it over. "Leave it to me to fuck up." Keith sarcastically mumbled while now lying on the floor. It felt like hours to Keith. All he could hear was water dripping in a slow pattern that was driving him insane. The room reeked of something rotting, Keith gagged a little every once in a while.

After a while a single light came on, centered right on Keith. "Ah, I see someone was impatient." A feminine voice said. Keith tried to turn his head in the direction he heard it from. He did not succeed. "Arron, sit him back up for me." Keith felt himself being lifted back and sitting upright. Another light came on, to reveal a young woman sitting in a chair too. Keith's eyes stared her up and down, he couldn't keep his eyes off even if he wanted to. She wore a white tank top that really hugged her somewhat exposed breasts, a pair of navy blue baggy shorts that she was really making look sexy, and a lot of gold jewelry to finish off.

The lady popped her knuckles then scoffed at Keith. "Since you're obviously unaware of who I am I'll inform you. Y/N Arae, daughter of John Arae, the most feared drug dealer." She explained. Keith's eyes widened. John Arae had recently been arrested and left all his business in the hands of his daughter. She hadn't made any appearances yet, so this'll be her first. Keith started shaking in his seat, like he was about to shit himself. He knew all about John and his doings, to know he his daughter was now there to follow his steps scared him.

"Aw, is someone now scared?" Y/N cooed standing up strolling over towards Keith. She placed the back of her hand on his cheek and rubbed it before slapping him. "Good. Whatever you thought you and your friends were going to do with those drugs are over. I am going to knock each one you off your asses, one by one." She evilly growled forming a fist. Keith thought to himself, maybe if they would've did more research this wouldn't be happening. Y/N reached into her shorts and pulled out a gun, aiming it at Keith.

"Please, don't shoot me. I'll do anything." Keith pleaded. "Anything? Anything such as...leaving your friends high and dry to work for me? I mean they'd still die, but you'd live." Y/N suggested with a smirk, still aiming the gun to his head. Keith cursed under his breath.


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