35•Take Care|Keith

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Y/N made her way down the stairs while rubbing her glossed lips against each other. She had finished getting ready to out and party a little with her friends. Y/N pressed the power button on her phone and saw she surprisingly had at least 20 minutes before they'd arrive. She decided to go bother her loving boyfriend, Keith until time.

Y/N sashayed into the living room and stood in front of the tv that Keith was currently watching. Keith took a look at Y/N outfit and raised an eyebrow.

"Where you going dressed like that?" He questioned before licking his lips

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"Where you going dressed like that?" He questioned before licking his lips. Y/N groaned and rolled her eyes for two reasons. One, she had already told Keith ahead of time she going out and two, Y/N Keith was now prone to try to get her to stay home.

"Out, is that a problem, baby?" Y/N questioned as she slowly crept towards Keith. Once she stood directly in of him Y/N did a 360 and finished with a bright smile. Keith's eyes wandered up and down Y/N's figure. He reached out and wrapped his arms around Y/N's waist, pulling her into his lap. Keith ducked his head into the Y/N's neck, becoming engulfed with her sweet smelling perfume. The two sat that for a second before Keith unexpectedly painfully bit Y/N's neck, causing her to squeal and slap his chest.

"Keith! What was that for?" Y/N whined while rubbing the part of her neck Keith bit. "Hell yeah it's a problem, Y/N. Look at what you got on. You know these somewhat light colors look sexy as hell with your skin tone. Up here making yourself noticeable for any nigga in the club to try and snatch you up." Keith playfully ranted. His hands began to move to south until they met Y/N's thighs, giving them a nice squeeze followed with him massaging them a little. "Stay home with me, babygirl."

Y/N turned her head slightly to look at Keith. She placed her hand on his face and caressed it. "So you want me to stay home and take care of you, daddy?" Y/N cooed. Keith grinned and nodded a little. Right before Y/N could answer she heard a horn beep outside. She stood up and walked over towards the door and opened it. Keith thought she was telling them to go ahead without but she did the opposite.

"You really thought I was staying home with you? Never judge a book by its cover." Y/N cackled before exiting and closing the door behind her. Keith chuckled before rising from the couch and heading upstairs. He was gonna have fun with Y/N one way or the other.


Y/N and her friends were out on the dance floor dancing in the large crowd of people and having fun. They had been there for almost a hour or two and Y/N was beginning to need to fix her makeup. Y/N maneuvered her way closer to her friends, Kiersten and Yuri. She stuck out her arms and tapped their shoulders.

"Hey, I'ma head over to the ladies room. Y'all good?" She asked in a loud enough tone for them to hear her. "Yea, we'll be here." Yuri assured with Kiersten agreeing. Y/N nodded her head ventured off to the bar. Along the way many stray hands found themselves grouping Y/N's backside. Her elbow was a great assistance in hitting the individuals somewhere on the body.

Y/N walked up the few steps and up past bar. As she strolled by and caught a glimpse a tall, car silhouette and felt suspicious. 'Nah, Keith ain't that crazy' She mumbled to herself and continued towards her destination. Once she entered the restroom she walked around the short wall inside and over to the mirrors. Y/N sat her hand purse on the counter and pulled out her lipstick. As she ran the lipstick across her lips she heard the door open and close, followed with a lock.

"Oh Y/N."  a voice called out. Y/N's head snapped in the direction while she gripped the tube in her hand tightly. "What in the fuck?" Y/N questioned as she bagged towards the wall behind her. The suspicion in the room with very high. It was short lived though as Keith came from around the short wall with a devious smirk. Y/N groaned and slightly rolled her eyes. "Keith, why are you here?" She whined.

Keith ignored Y/N as he crept towards her. He scanned over her and saw the irritation in body language. "Ah baby, don't be like that." Keith chuckled as he stood in front of Y/N. He placed one hand on her waist and the other around her neck then pecked her forehead. "I told you these clothes made you very noticeable. I found you as soon I got here." He continued. Y/N sighed and poked her finger into Keith's chiseled chest. She wasn't really mad Keith showed up, but she wanted to prove that he couldn't always keep her away from her plans to take care of each other for once. Now she knows how that ends.

"Ok but like, why are you here, Keith?" Y/N questioned as she stared into Keith's alluring eyes. Keith answered by simply yanking Y/N's skirt down and off then lifting her onto the edge of the counter. "You know exactly why I'm here." Keith mumbled. He noticed that Y/N was wearing a rum colored lace thong, his favorite color. A satisfied grunt left Keith's mouth as his fingers hooked onto the sides, slowing removing the fabric hiding what he wanted at the moment.

Keith used one of his hands and pressed it up against Y/N's back. As instinct Y/N went with it and leaned back on the table. A slightly tap was given to Y/N's thigh, indicating for her to cock her legs up on Keith's shoulders. Keith dropped his head and was faced with his favorite snack. He leaned in closer till his lips touched Y/N's. She had a warmth radiating of her that somehow turned Keith on. He used his tongue to slide in betweene Y/N's folds and slowly started swirling it against her clit.


Y/N tried with all her might to keep her moans at minimum but with Keith's tongue action it was impossible. Her juices flowed a steady pace while she wiggled around as Keith darted his tongue in and out slow for a little then fast. Keith could feel Y/N throbbing on his tongue. He soon become annoyed with Y/N moving around, so he gripped her thighs, pulling her in close and tightly holding her while shoving his face deeper in between.

"Fuck, Keith, do that again." Y/N moaned as she felt Keith grazed against a certain spot in her. Keith did so and caused Y/N to roll her eyes to the back of her head. Inside the empty restroom all you heard were Y/N's cries and the gushiness of Keith putting in work. The deeper Keith's tongue penetrated, the louder Y/N got.

Sooner or later Y/N felt her stomach tightened and her toes curl. She and Keith felt her walls clench as her sweet release was near. Y/N's legs were crossed and had Keith in a headlock like position, pulling him even closer. She began gyrating her hips, feeling really close. "I'm cl– oh shit!" Y/N cried as she felt Keith slip two of his fingers inside, slowly drilling her.

Keith pulled his mouth away from Y/N's nether land. Y/N could see his face glistening from her juices. Keith gave a sly grin then leaned in and kissed Y/N, letting her taste herself like always. His two fingers still did their magic between Y/N's legs. They felt as if Y/N's walls had clenched even tighter around them. Keith loved their interaction at the moment and didn't want it to end, so he quickly removed his fingers.

Y/N's lazy eyes widen as she whimpered at the empty feeling. "Daddy, I was so close." She whined, followed with a huff. Keith chuckled and patted her thighs. "Baby you've whined a lot tonight. How about we head home and I finish taking care of this issue?" He suggested while handing Y/N her skirt.

Y/N narrowed her lust filled eyes at Keith and snatched her skirt from him. She hopped down from the counter and pulled up her panties then put it back on. "C'mon, I need dick and I want it now." Y/N snapped as she grabbed Keith by his wrist and proceeded to drag him out of restroom.


Hello, muderfuckers, how are you today?

Writers block suuucks. I'll have my idea for the next update, but then I struggle with how to go about it. For example, the next update is about Y/N and Algee having a- nvm 🌚.

Bye, muderfuckers, have a nice day.

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